Appel: INEX 2009 Question-answering Track (QA at INEX), call for participation

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri May 15 14:46:57 UTC 2009

Date: Fri, 15 May 2009 08:32:22 +0200
From: Xavier Tannier <Xavier.Tannier at>
Message-ID: <4A0D0C76.9000908 at>

In 2009, INEX evaluation campaign runs a *question-answering* &
*answer aggregation* track
(  The INEX 2009 QA at INEX
track aims to compare the performance of QA, XML/passage retrieval and
automatic summarization systems on an encyclopedic resource like the
Wikipedia. The track will consider two type of questions that extend
queries considered in Ad-Hoc tasks. The first set will be *factual
questions* which require a *single precise answer* to be found in the
corpus if it exists. The second set will consists of more *complex
questions* whose answers require the *aggregation* of several
passages. The passages need not necessarily be in a single document,
thus might involve multi-document answer aggregation. Participation of
automatic summarization systems by passage extraction is therefore
encouraged. This will be an opportunity to test XML/passage retrieval
systems on advanced QA tasks.

As for the ad hoc track, we will use the INEX 2009 *Wikipedia*
collection (without images). Each participating group will be asked to
create a set of candidate questions, representative of a range of real
user needs.

More information can be found on

Important dates:
    - 1/Jun/2009 Declaration of intent
    - 15/Jun/2009 Submission deadline for candidate questions ; Result 
      Submission Specification
    - 1/Jul/2009 Release of final set of questions
    - 31/Jul/2009 Submission deadline for Results (short and long
    - 30/Sep/2009 Submission deadline for relevance assessments
    - 6-10/Dec/2009 INEX Workshop in Brisbane, Australia

Patrice Bellot, University of Avignon, patrice.bellot at
Véronique Moriceau, LIMSI-CNRS, University Paris-Sud 11, moriceau at
Eric SanJuan, University of Avignon, eric.sanjuan at
Xavier Tannier, LIMSI-CNRS, University Paris-Sud 11, xtannier at

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