Info: MULTI-2, Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Mobility Grants Europe - South East Asia

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Dec 10 10:04:06 UTC 2011

Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 16:30:15 +0100
From: Laurent Prévot <laurent.prevot at>
Message-ID: <CABj3yDwMsHmY3J1UQCB2AEuQQeTDKRftyBfc+j+MF3tU7=Az5Q at>

****Apologies for cross-postings****

MULTI Erasmus Mundus Project offers attractive mobility grants to
Asian/European students and researchers (master student, PhD student,
young PhD holders) for studying or doing research in one of the
consortium institutions (see below). The grants cover airfare as well as
attractive grants covering living expenses and of a duration from 1
academic semester to 1 academic year.

Multilingualism and Multiculturalism (MULTI-2) is an Action 2 Erasmus
Mundus project <>
funded by the European Commission to promote scientific exchanges
between Europe and the Industrialized countries of South-East Asia (Hong
Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Singapore, Brunei). It concerns both general
disciplines such as Linguistics, Area Studies or Social Sciences and
more applied fields such as Natural Language Processing or Translation.

To be eligible to the mobility grant in the direction of Europe -> South
East Asia, the applicant has to be a national of one of the 27 European
Union countries and has to register or be affiliated at one of the
European partner universities. To be eligible to the mobility grant in
the direction of South East Asia -> Europe, the applicant has to be a
national of one of the South East Asian countries participating in MULTI
and has to register or be affiliated at one of the South East Asian
partner universities.

Partner institutions in Europe:
Université de Provence (Coordinator)
Freie Universität Berlin
Universität des Saarlandes
Università di Pisa
City University London
Universidad de Sevilla
Charles University in Prague

Partner institutions in South East Asia:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (SEA Coordinator)
University of Macao
Nanyang Technological University
National Taiwan University
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

Application deadline is *Jan. 20, 2012* and the results will be posted
around mid March.

For more information, please check MULTI website:

Email Contact (remove + and spaces): erasmusmundus ++ at ++

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