Seminaire: Alpage, Khalil Sima'an, 16 novembre 2012

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 9 21:54:08 UTC 2012

Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 16:16:01 +0100
From: Marie Candito <marie.candito at>
Message-ID: <CAKCM-9GACvh2Qs2w=VP+HQwNZ9_j678kfqwXrTZ8URdztadzMg at>

************** Séminaire Alpage *******************

Séminaire de l'école doctorale de Paris Diderot :

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, équipe mixte INRIA - Paris Diderot,
spécialisée en analyse syntaxique automatique et en traitement du

Le prochain séminaire se tiendra :

* vendredi 16 novembre de 11h à 12h30 *

en salle 3E91 à l'UFRL, 16, rue de Clisson, 75013 Paris (3e étage

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.


Title: On the Role of Syntactic Trees in Machine Translation

Abstract: Over the past years, major effort was spent on incorporating
monolingual syntax into statistical machine translation with mixed
results. One difficulty in doing so often seems that translation
equivalence does not necessarily conform to monolingual syntactic
constituency structure, as assumed by traditional compositional
semantics. In this talk I will reflect on syntactic structure aiming to
show that the information represented in a syntactic tree can be
represented in alternative ways.  By representing this information in
terms of translation equivalence, syntactic information can be brought
into statistical MT models effectively.  In the talk I will give a
bird's-eye view of three recent models developed together with my
co-workers and touch upon some relevant aspects of the interplay between
syntax and SMT.  Subsequently, I will give a brief overview of the
problem of how to represent the translation mapping hierarchically in
order to capture the relations of translation equivalence adequately. I
will also briefly discuss how to use this new hierarchical
representation to pave the way for learning compositional statistical
synchronous grammars from word-aligned parallel corpora.

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