Appel: COLING 2014

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Oct 19 13:01:22 UTC 2013

Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:08:18 +0100
From: Cara Greene <cgreene at>
Message-ID: <52610892.3050802 at>

Apologies for Cross-Posting



Dublin, Ireland, 23-29 August, 2014

COLING 2014 (, the 25th International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, will be organised by CNGL
(Centre for Global Intelligent Content) at the Helix Convention Centre
at Dublin City University (DCU) from 23-29 August 2014. The COLING
conference is organised under the auspices of the International
Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL).


The COLING conference has a history that dates back to the 1960s. The
conference is held every two years and regularly attracts more than 700
delegates. The 1st conference was held in New York, 1965. Since then,
the conference has developed into one of the premier Natural Language
Processing conferences world-wide. The last five conferences were held
in Geneva (COLING 2004), Sydney (COLING - ACL 2006), Manchester (COLING
2008), Beijing (COLING 2010) and Mumbai (COLING 2012).

COLING covers a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural
language and computation. The conference will include full papers, oral
presentations, poster presentations, demonstrations, tutorials, and



Workshops and Tutorials

Call for Workshop and tutorial proposals 18th October 2013
Workshop and tutorial proposals submission 19th January 2014

Workshop and tutorials notification 26th January 2014

Main Conference

Call for Papers To be announced

Paper submission 21st March 2014
Paper notification 23rd May 2014
Camera-ready paper submission 6th June 2014
Formal publication date for all COLING 2014 papers: 11th August 2014



Program Co-Chairs
Prof. Junichi Tsujii (Microsoft Research, China)
Prof. Jan Hajic (Charles Univ., Czech)

General Chair
Prof. Josef van Genabith (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)

Scientific Advisory Board
Joakim Nivre (Uppsala Univ., Sweden)
Yuji Matsumoto (NAIST, Japan)
Michael Picheny (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA)
Donia Scott (Univ. of Sussex, UK)
Chengqing Zong (CAS, China)

Workshop Chairs
Dr. Jennifer Foster (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)
Prof. Dan Gildea (University of Rochester, USA)
Prof. Tim Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Tutorial Chairs
Prof. Qun Liu (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)
Prof. Fei Xia (University of Washington, USA)

Demo Chair
Dr. Lamia Tounsi (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)

Sponsorship Chairs
Dr. Sharon O'Brien (SALIS / CNGL, DCU, Ireland)
Prof. Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI, Germany)
Dr. Huaping Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)

Publicity Chairs
Dr. Dorothy Kenny (SALIS, DCU, Ireland)
Professor Seong-Bae Park (Asian Federation of Natural Language 
Processing Associations)

Publication Chairs
Dr. Joachim Wagner (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)
Dr. Liadh Kelly (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)
Dr. Lorraine Goeuriot (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)

Local Chair
Dr. Cara Greene (CNGL, DCU, Ireland)

Local Co-Chair
Dr. John Judge (CNGL / NCLT, DCU, Ireland)


conference at


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