Seminaire: BLRI, Caralyn Kemp, Aix-en-Provence, 25 Octobre 2013

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Sep 27 19:48:25 UTC 2013

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 17:33:45 +0200
From: Nadéra Bureau <nadera.bureau at>
Message-ID: <00a301cebb96$f46632f0$dd3298d0$@bureau at>

Vendredi 25 Octobre 2013

11h Salle de conférences B011, bât. B 5 avenue Pasteur, Aix-en-Provence 

Caralyn Kemp 

(Labex BLRI) 

Vocalisations of Captive Guinea Baboons 

Résumé : As part of a larger study investigating vocal production in
Guinea baboons, I have been examining the vocalisations of a captive
group at the CNRS primate station in Rousset. The main goal of this
aspect of the project was to produce a large-scale database in order to
1) characterise the vocal repertoire of this baboon species, 2)
determine the acoustic features of the vocalisations, and 3) test the
descriptive adequacy of existing categories. Twelve vocalisations were
distinguishable by ear, but not all vocalisations were produced by all
age and sex groups. A single vocalisation type could occur in different
contexts and some vocalisations had a large degree of variability. This
database will be useful for new researchers and care staff who work with
Guinea baboons in captivity as well as aiding in our understanding of
the evolution of vocal communication between baboon taxa and within the
primate genera. 

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