Appel: Call for Posters, Translating and the Computer 36

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Fri Aug 1 21:11:53 UTC 2014

Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 15:31:22 +0000
From: "Stajner, Sanja" <sanjastajner at>
Message-ID: <8D7E2A326D0D3549A39B4B714C54FFAA9A8D7F33 at>

Call for Posters
Translating and the Computer 36
London, 27 and 28 November 2014

The Translating and the Computer conference
( encourages submissions for
poster presentations to supplement the regular presentations of the
conference. Posters are expected to present ongoing and not necessarily
completed research, teaching or training activity, practical work,
software programs, projects or developments in general related to
translation, interpretation and terminology, and to the related

The Translating and the Computer conference is a unique forum for
researchers, developers and users. It brings together academics involved
in language technology research and in teaching translation and
terminology with those who develop and market tools for language
transformation and both of these groups with users: translators,
terminologists, interpreters, and voice-over specialists, whether
freelancers or working in translation departments of large organisations
such as those of the European Parliament, European courts and the
European Patent Office, the United Nations family, international
companies and other organisations, and Language Services Providers
(LSPs), large and small.

In its 36th session Translating and the Computer has moved from ASLIB to
ASLING. The conference often referred to as the “ASLIB Conference” is
now the ASLING Translating and the Computer Conference. One of the new
developments is also the launch of a poster session in addition to the
regular presentation slots.

Poster proposals in the form of poster abstracts not exceeding 500 words
(the final versions of the accepted posters can be up to 1,500 words)
must be submitted using the START system at the following address:, adding the text “Poster:” at the
start of the “Title of Submission: ” field in the online submission

Accepted poster papers will be included (and will have the have the same
status as regular papers) in the conference proceedings only after the
registration fee for at least one presenter of the paper has been paid.

Important dates
Deadline for poster submissions: 8 August 2014
Notification of acceptance or rejection: 22 August 2014
Camera-ready poster papers due: 3 October
Conference: 27 and 28 November 2014


  *   Juliet Macan, Arancho Doc srl. (Lead Chair 2014)
  *   João Esteves-Ferreira, Tradulex, International Association for
      Quality Translation
  *   Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton
  *   Olaf-Michael Stefanov, United Nations (ret), JIAMCATT

Programme Committee

  *   David Chambers, World Intellectual Property Organisation (ret)
  *   Gloria Corpas Pastor, University of Malaga
  *   Estelle Delpeche, Nomao
  *   Alain Désilets, National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
  *   David Filip, LRC, CNGL, LT-Web, University of Limerick
  *   Pamela Mayorcas, FITI
  *   Paola Valli, University of Trieste

Conference Manager:

  *   Nicole Adamides
Association internationale pour la promotion des technologies
International Association for Advancement in Language Technology
Bologna, Genève, London, Wien, Wolverhampton

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