Conf: COMPUTERM 2014, COLING workshop, 23 August 2014, Dublin, Ireland

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Tue Aug 5 19:29:49 UTC 2014

date: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:05:53 +0200
from: "Natalia GRABAR" <natalia.grabar at>
message-id: <e9c7-53dcf080-19-1c9b47c0 at 79805891>

Call for Participation

COLING 2014 workshop

4th International Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPUTERM 2014)

23 August 2014
Dublin, Ireland


The fourth International Workshop on Computational Terminology will be
held in conjunction with the COLING 2014 conference and will take place
in Dublin, Ireland.

Invited speaker

Noemie Elhadad (Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia
University, USA)
Terminology questions in texts authored by patients

Accepted papers

Generalising and normalising distributional contexts to reduce data
sparsity: application to medical corpora
Amandine Périnet and Thierry Hamon

Assigning Terms to Domains by Document Classification
Robert Gaizauskas, Emma Barker, Monica Lestari Paramita, Ahmet Aker

Identification of Bilingual Terms from Monolingual Documents for
Statistical Machine Translation
Mihael Arcan, Claudio Giuliano, Marco Turchi, Paul Buitelaar

NPMI driven recognition of nested terms
Malgorzata Marciniak and Agnieszka Mykowiecka

Bilingual Termbank Creation via Log-Likelihood Comparison and
Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Rejwanul Haque, Sergio Penkale, Andy Way

The ACL RD-TEC: A Dataset for Benchmarking Terminology Extraction and
Classification in Computational Linguistics
Behrang Q. Zadeh and Siegfried Handschuh

Accepted posters

Building the interface between experts and linguists in the detection
and characterisation of neology in the field of neurosciences
Jesús Torres-del-Rey and Nava Maroto

A comparative User Evaluation of Terminology Management Tools for
Hernani Costa, Gloria Corpas Pastor, Isabel Durán Muñoz

Automatic Annotation of Parameters from Nanodevice Development Research
Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, Shinjiroh Hara, Marcus C. Newton

Evaluating Term Extraction Methods for Interpreters
Ran Xu and Serge Sharoff

Unsupervised method for the acquisition of general language paraphrases
for medical compounds
Natalia Grabar and Thierry Hamon

Identifying Portuguese Multiword Expressions using Different
Classification Algorithms - A Comparative Analysis
Alexsandro Fonseca, Fatiha Sadat, Alexandre Blondin Massé

Towards Automatic Distinction between Specialized and Non-Specialized
Occurrences of Verbs in Medical Corpora
Ornella Wandji Tchami and Natalia Grabar

About the Workshop

Computational Terminology covers an increasingly important aspect in
Natural Language Processing areas such as text mining, information
retrieval, information extraction, summarisation, textual entailment,
document management systems, question-answering systems, ontology
building, etc. Terminological information is paramount for knowledge
mining from texts for scientific discovery and competitive
intelligence. Scientific needs in fast growing domains (such as
biomedicine, chemistry and ecology) and the overwhelming amount of
textual data published daily demand that terminology is acquired and
managed systematically and automatically; while in well established
domains (such as law, economy, banking and music) the demand is on
fine-grained analyses of documents for knowledge description and
acquisition. Moreover, capturing new concepts leads to the acquisition
and management of new knowledge.

The aim of this fourth CompuTerm workshop is to bring together Natural
Language Processing researchers to discuss recent advances in
computational terminology and its impact in many NLP applications. The
topics addressed in this workshop are wide ranging:

- term extraction, recognition and filtering, which is the core of the
  terminological activity that lays basis for other terminological
  topics and tasks;

- event recognition and extraction, that extends the notion of the
  terminological entity from terms meaning static units up to terms
  meaning procedural and dynamic processes;

- acquisition of semantic relations among terms, which is also an
  important research topic as the acquisition of semantic relationships
  between terms finds applications such as the population and update of
  existing knowledge bases, definition of domain specific templates in
  information extraction and disambiguation of terms;

- term variation management, that helps to deal with the dynamic nature
  of terms, their acquisition from heterogeneous sources, their
  integration, standardisation and representation for a large range of
  applications and resources, is also increasingly important, as one has
  to address this research problem when working with various controlled
  vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies and textual data. Term variation is
  also related to their paraphrases and reformulations, due to
  historical, regional, local or personal issues. Besides, the discovery
  of synonym terms or term clusters is equally beneficial to many NLP

- definition acquisition, that covers important research and aims to
  provide precise and nonambiguous description of terminological
  entities.  Such definitions may contain elements necessary for the
  formal description of terms and concepts within ontologies;

- consideration of the user expertise, that is becoming a new issue in
  the terminological activity, takes into account the fact that
  specialized domains contain notions and terms often nonunderstandable
  to non-experts or to laymen (such as patients within the medical area,
  or bank clients within banking and economy areas). This aspect,
  although related to specialized areas, provides direct link between
  specialized languages and general language;

- systematic terminology management and updating domain specific
  dictionaries and thesauri, that are important aspects for maintaining
  the existing terminological resources. These aspects become crucial
  because the amount of the existing terminological resources is
  constantly increasing and because their perennial and efficient use
  depends on their maintenance and updating, while their re-acquisition
  is costly and often non-reproducible;

- monolingual and multilingual resources, that open the possibility for
  developing cross-lingual and multi-lingual applications, requires
  specific corpora, methods and tools which design and evaluation are
  challenging issues;

- robustness and portability of methods, which allows to apply methods
  developed in one given context to other contexts (corpora, domains,
  languages, etc.) and to share the research expertise among them;

- social netwoks and modern media processing, that attracts an
  increasing number of researchers and that provides challenging
  material to be processed;

- utilization of terminologies in various NLP applications, as they are
  a necessary component of any NLP system dealing with domain-specific
  literature, is another novel and challenging research direction.

The workshop submissions are open to different approaches, ranging from
term extraction in various languages (using verb co-occurrence,
information theoretic approaches, machine learning, etc.), translation
pairs extracting from bilingual corpora based on terminology, up to
semantic oriented approaches and theoretical aspects of
terminology. Besides, experiments on the evaluation of terminological
methods and tools are also encouraged since they provide interesting and
useful proof about the utility of terminological resources:

- direct evaluation may concern the efficiency of the terminological
  methods and tools to capture the terminological entities and
  relations, as well as various kinds of related information;

- indirect evaluation may concern the use of terminological resources in
  various NLP applications and the impact these resources have on the
  performance of the automatic systems. In this case, research and
  competition tracks (such as TREC, BioCreative, CLEF, CLEF-eHealth,
  I2B2, *SEM, and other shared tasks), provide particularly fruitful
  evaluation contexts and proved very successful in identifying key
  problems in terminology such as term variation and ambiguity.

Programme Committee

- Sophia Ananiadou, University of Manchester, National Centre for Text
  Mining, UK
- Olivier Bodenreider, NLM, USA
- Beatrice Daille, IRIN, France
- Éric Gaussier, LIG, Université Joseph Fourier, France
- Gregory Grefenstette, Clairvoyance Corp, France
- Marie-Claude L'Homme, University of Montréal, Canada
- Philippe Langlais, RALI, Canada
- John McNaught, UMIST & National Centre for Text Mining, UK
- Rogelio Nazar, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
- Goran Nenadic, University of Manchester, UK
- Jorge Vivaldi Palatresi, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
- Selja Seppälä, University at Buffalo, USA
- Karine Verspoor, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Pierre Zweigenbaum, LIMSI, France


- Patrick Drouin, Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, Université de
  Montréal, Montréal, Canada
- Natalia Grabar, CNRS UMR 8163 STL, Université Lille 1&3, Villeneuve
- Thierry Hamon, LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France & Université Paris 13,
  Sorbonne Paris Cité, Villetaneuse, France
- Kyo Kageura, Library and Information Science Laboratory, University of
  Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

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