Seminaire: Alpage, Julia Hockenmaier, Describing images in natural language, 16 mai 2014, Paris

Thierry Hamon hamon at LIMSI.FR
Sat May 10 08:22:50 UTC 2014

Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 09:44:57 +0200
From: Marie Candito <marie.candito at>
Message-ID: <CAKCM-9EhsY7tDSfgWkZUaS0AmOHyw7ssOkndGHPsBenjtYVN-g at>

************** Séminaire de l'équipe Alpage *********

Il s'agit du séminaire de recherche en linguistique informatique
organisé par l'équipe Alpage, équipe mixte INRIA - Paris Diderot,
spécialisée en traitement automatique des langues.

Vendredi 16 mai

de 11h à 12h15,

en salle 165

Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges, 1er étage
rue Albert Einstein
75013 Paris
(Il s'agit du dernier bâtiment de la rue Albert Einstein,
dans la récemment inaugurée "place Paul Ricoeur")

Toute personne intéressée est la bienvenue.

Julia Hockenmaier (with Micah Hodosh, Peter Young, and Alice Lai)
University of Illinois

Title : Describing images in natural language: Towards visually
grounded semantics

Abstract : When we read a descriptive sentences like “People are
shopping in a supermarket”, we picture an indoor scene where customers
are pushing shopping carts down aisles of produce or other goods,
standing to look at the items on the shelves, or waiting in line to pay,
etc. That is, if we understand a sentence, we infer what other facts are
likely to be true in any situation described by that sentence. These
inferences are an integral part of language understanding, but they
require a great deal of commonsense world knowledge. In this talk, I
will consider two tasks that require systems to draw similar inferences
First, I will describe our work on developing systems and data sets to
associate images with sentences that describe what is depicted in
them. I will show that systems that rely on visual and linguistic
features that can be obtained with minimal supervision perform
surprisingly well at describing new images. I will also define a
ranking-based framework to evaluate such systems. In the second part of
this talk, I will describe how we can combine ideas from distributional
lexical semantics and denotational formal semantics to define novel
measures of semantic similarity. We define the 'visual denotation' of
linguistic expressions as the set of images they describe, and use our
data set of 30K images and 150K descriptive captions to construct a
'denotation graph', i.e. a very large subsumption hierarchy over
linguistic expressions and their denotations. This allows us to compute
denotational similarities, which we show to yield state-of-the-art
performance on tasks that require semantic inference.

M. Hodosh, P. Young and J. Hockenmaier (2013) "Framing Image Description
as a Ranking Task: Data, Models and Evaluation Metrics", Volume 47,
pages 853-899
P. Young, A. Lai, M. Hodosh, and J. Hockenmaier. From image descriptions
to visual denotations: New similarity metrics for semantic inference
over event descriptions.  Transactions of the Association of
Compuational Linguistics (TACL) 2014, 2(Feb), pages 67-78.

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