LL-L "Etymology" 2002.08.20 (07) [E/LS]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Aug 20 15:37:20 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 20.AUG.2002 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: <burgdal32 at mac.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.07.24 (01) [E]

> From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Etymology
> Dear All
> The word listed in the Lowlands Swadesh list for
> Nottingham 'man' is 'bloke'; also current in Estuary.
> Quickie questions - Is 'bloke' common in all British
> Englishes and Scots? - is it also used outside Britain
> (or only as a perculiarly British word)? - what's its
> etymology (it's not included in my etymology
> dictionary)? No special reason for my questions, just
> pure interest!
> Cheers
> Gary
Dear Gary,

In Flemish we have the word "blok" wich means alwaeys something big :
blokbeir= a big rough guy
bloknote= a dubbel nut
bloklijster= big thrush
blokmeerlaan= big blackbird
blokmeeze= big titmouse

Blokken means also 'to study'
And so: een blokzwijn (een blokker) = someone who studies all the time.

Luc Vanbrabant


From: <burgdal32 at mac.com>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2002.08.19 (06) [E/LS]

Ron schreev:
>> ...
>> Now, this bag tends to be called _Sack_ [zak] (also in German), but in
>> some LS dialects it may also be referred to as ... yes, _Pock_ [pOk] ~
>> _Puck_ [pUk]!  Mostly, though, this latter word denotes a smaller bag, a
>> pouch.  I assume this corresponds to English _poke_ (as in "to buy a pig
>> in a poke" = "to get something without knowing what it is"), which
>> apparently comes from Old Northern French _pok(e)_
 ~ _poque_, a cognate
>> of Old French _poche_ 'bag' > English _pouch_, and the diminutive
>> derivative _pocket_ (< Old French _poket(e)_).  It *is* interesting that
>> both Scots and Lowlands Saxon have this word as well as this tradition,
>> isn't it?
>> ...
> In uns snacksch Mundoort waard ook seggt: "Puch" (or kummt dat uut de
> Lüneburger Heide- mien Mudder koomt door wech?), in de Meent von *bed"
> (U.G.:"Bett-*sack*"?); un' von mien oostpreussisch Vadder un'
> Grautöllern
> kenn ick noch dat (missingsch'?) Woord "Fupp", in de Meent von *pocket*.
> Gröötens
> Fiete.
In WestFlanders we have also
kaospoke = kaoszak (E Cheesebag)
luzepoke = luszak (E "lousebag"= somebody you can not trust at all)
poke = (E abscess)

And in my French Larousse  dictionnaire d'étymologie they dirive the
poche from "pokka" a francique (old Flemish) word for little bag.

Luc Vanbrabant

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