LL-L "Numerals" 2002.06.25 (03) [E]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 25 16:50:34 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 25.JUN.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
 Web Site: <http://www.geocities.com/sassisch/rhahn/lowlands/>
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian L=Limburgish
 LS=Low Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

From: "David Elsworth" <david_elsworth at hotmail.com>
Subject: Numbers!

Dear Ron / Lowlanders

It was with great interest that I read the letter of Luc Hellinckx and
various expressions, and also the responses that his letter generated.

With the same aim in mind as Luc, that is to choose universal words that
highlight the subtle differences between the lowlands languages, I have
decided to compile a list of numbers, as these words are generally quite

I have so far translated this list into English, Dutch and German, but
knowledge of Frisian and Low Saxon is presently far from complete so I
need some help from the other members in preparing this table.


1     one        ien           een           een           eins
2     two        twa           twee          twee          zwei
3     three                    drie          dree          drei
4     four                     vier                        vier
5     five                     vijf                        fuenf
6     six                      zes           zoess         sechs
7     seven                    zeven                       sieben
8     eight                    acht                        acht
9     nine                     negen                       neun
10    ten                      tien                        zehn
11    eleven                   elf                         elf
12    twelve                   twaalf        twoelf        zwoelf
13    thirteen                 dertien                     dreizehn
14    fourteen                 veertien                    vierzehn
15    fifteen                  vijftien                    fuenfzehn
16    sixteen                  zestien                     sechzehn
17    seventeen                zeventien                   siebzehn
18    eighteen                 achttien                    achtzehn
19    nineteen                 negentien                   neunzehn
20    twenty                   twintig                     zwanzig
30    thirty                   dertig                      dreissig
40    forty                    veertig                     vierzig
50    fifty                    vijftig                     fuenfzig
60    sixty                    zestig                      sechzig
70    seventy                  zeventig                    siebzig
80    eighty                   tachtig                     achtzig
90    ninety                   negentig                    neunzig
100   hundred                  honderd                     hundert

Please feel free to modify the list as required, particularly with
regard to
tranlsation into those languages which I may have failed to mention. As
be seen, there are many omissions. My apologies to the Dutch population
if I
have missplet the words for 14 and 40 but I was in a rush and did not
time to double-check these. Apologies also for the omission of umlauts
accents, this is not intentional but I have not worked out how to
these from hotmail.

David Elsworth.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Numerals

Here you go, David.  Below is the amended list with German items
properly "diacriticized" and the Low Saxon (Northern Low Saxon (Low
German)) and Westerlauwer Frisian columns completed.


P.S.: See also http://www.zompist.com/numbers.shtml


  1  one        ien           een         een            eins
  2  two        twa           twee        twee           zwei
  3  three      trije         drie        dree           drei
  4  four       fjouwer       vier        veer           vier
  5  five       fiif          vijf        fiev/fief      fünf
  6  six        seis          zes         söss           sechs
  7  seven      sân           zeven       söven          sieben
  8  eight      acht          acht        acht           acht
  9  nine       njoggen       negen       negen          neun
 10  ten        tsien         tien        tein           zehn
 11  eleven     alve          elf         ölven          elf
 12  twelve     tolve         twaalf      twölf          zwölf
 13  thirteen   trettjin      dertien     dörtein        dreizehn
 14  fourteen   fjirtjin      veertien    veertein       vierzehn
 15  fifteen    fyftjin       vijftien    föftein        fünfzehn
 16  sixteen    sechstjin     zestien     sösstein       sechzehn
 17  seventeen  santjin       zeventien   söventein      siebzehn
 18  eighteen   achttjin      achttien    achtein        achtzehn
 19  nineteen   njoggentjin   negentien   negentein      neunzehn
 20  twenty     tweintig      twintig     twintig        zwanzig
 30  thirty     tritich       dertig      dörtig         dreissig
 40  forty      fjirtich      veertig     veertig        vierzig
 50  fifty      fyftich       vijftig     föftig/fieftig fünfzig
 60  sixty      sechstich     zestig      sösstig        sechzig
 70  seventy    santich       zeventig    söventig       siebzig
 80  eighty     tachtich      tachtig     tachentig      achtzig
 90  ninety     njoggentich   negentig    negentig       neunzig
100  hundred    hûndert       honderd     hunnerd        hundert

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