LL-L "Lexicon" 2002.11.10 (03) [E]

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Sun Nov 10 07:23:47 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 10.NOV.2002 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
 L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic
               V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Helen Kitsnik <oranjeelf at excite.com>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon"

To say a bit more about Estonian, I believe that most likely some loanword
researches should be available. Estonia has not had that
significant´connections with the Dutch, but like many other languages,
Estonian has a number of loans from Dutch concerning anything nautical. I am
actually quite sure that there are only a few Dutch loanwords that have
originally been taken into usage in some other field.
Some loans have reached Estonian through German, probably in an already
modified form. It is a bit difficult for me to find good sources right now,
as I am currently not in Estonia and can't visit a good library. However, it
is believed that more than a thousand LS loanwords can be identified. A
high-school text-book names some examples of very common and everyday words:

kool - school
kampsun - sweater
tellis - brick
köök - kitchen
kamber - room (can denote either a shabby one or a grand one)
nööp - button (the one used on clothing)
müts - any kind of a hat
seep - soap
paber - paper
pood - shop
suhkur - sugar

Just to give you a sense of what the loans are like. You know probably
better than me what the original words might have been.
Anyway, I'll have access to a few books next week, I hope to find something
relevant there. If not, I'll hopefully be able to find something a bit later
this year.

Helen Kitsnik


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Thank you so much for the sample above, Helen!

I will add the Modern Northern Lowlands Saxon (Low German) equivalents

school [So.Ul]~ [sxo.Ul]~[sko.Ul] = kool - school
? = kampsun - sweater
Tegel(s) ['te:gl=(s)] ~ Teel(s) [te:l(s)] ~ Teil [ta.Il(s)]* = tellis -
Köök [kø:k]~[kœ:k] = köök - kitchen
Kamer ['kQ:m3`]** = kamber - room (can denote either a shabby one or a grand
Knoop [knoUp]*** = nööp - button (the one used on clothing)
Mütz [mYts] 'cap' = müts - any kind of a hat
Seep [zE.Ip] = seep - soap
Papeer [pQ'pE.I3`] = paber - paper
Bood' [bo.U(d)]**** = pood - shop
Zucker ['tsUk3`] ~ Sucker ['zUk3`] = suhkur - sugar

* with -s = plural form, cf. also semi-synonymous _Tegelsteen_
['te:gl=ste.In] ~ _Teelsteen_ [te:lste.In]] ~ _Teilstein_ [ta.Ilsta.In]
containing the word for 'stone' (literally "tile stone") clearly
differentiating "brick" from "tile".
** Middle LS also _kamber_ ~ _kammer_ 'chamber'
*** plural _Knööp_ [knœ.Ip] < _Knöpe_ < _knope_
**** < _bode_, cognate of English 'booth' and German _Bude_


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