LL-L "Help needed" 2002.11.10 (06) [E]

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Sun Nov 10 16:35:44 UTC 2002

 L O W L A N D S - L * 10.NOV.2002 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Holger Weigelt <platt at HOLGER-WEIGELT.DE>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2002.11.09 (01) [E]

>From: Pat Reynolds <pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk>
>Subject: LL-L Help needed
>Dear Colleagues,
>I have come across an inscription, and am curious as to what it means,
>and what the language or dialect is.  The plaque is just above the door
>of 44 Wood Street, Shotley Bridge, Consett, Durham (that is the usual
>place for datestones in this part of the world).  The plaque bears the
>date 1601, and the partially legible inscription:
>... RE...
>... .TREV W.VND E[or L with short middle bar]LEISI...
>...D.DVEST.WAS.DIR.BEE[or L with short middle bar]OHL...
>With best wishes to all,
>Pat Reynolds
>pat at caerlas.demon.co.uk
>   "It might look a bit messy now, but just you come back in 500 years
>   (T. Pratchett)
>From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Help needed
>Hi, Pat!
>Let me get the ball rolling by saying that the fragment looks like German -
>and I don't mean "Low German":
>... RE...
>...(gleich?=)like/right/immediately.in.thy(ne) ?
>... .TREV W.VND E[or L with short middle bar]LEISI...
>... ?  ? (=part of name? Trevor?) and (Eliese? Eleisia? Eleison?)
>...D.DVEST.WAS.DIR.BEE[or L with short middle bar]OHL...
>...?.(thou)dost**.what.thee.(befohlen = commanded?)
>* cf. French "Sans souci" ("Without Worry"), a commonly used name for
>houses and estates in the 17th and 18th centuries, also the name of a
>in Potsdam
>** In German of that time this would be _(du) tuest_ ("thou dost" = modern
>singular "you do"), but in some German dialects, including those with
>Lowlands Saxon (Low German) substrates (beginning about the time of the
>building of that house), it might be _duest_ (< LS _dayst_ from _doun_ 'to
>I've either started helping you or leading you astray, Pat.
>Interesting to find that inscription in that place!

Hello Pat !
For the first rows I agree with Ron's translation but I have a different
idea for the following:
>... .TREV W.VND E[or L with short middle bar]LEISI...
>...D.DVEST.WAS.DIR.BEE[or L with short middle bar]OHL...
....(g?)leich in Deinem = ...like (or: at once; similar to) in Your...
treu W.(?) und fleiszig... = ...faithful (loyal, true) and diligent...
....D. (?) tust was Dir befohlen = ...do what you are commanded to...

Kind regards


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Help needed

I pretty much go along with our friend Holger (above).  I would like to add
the following:

It could be TREVW as one word in the spelling of that time for 'true',
'faithful', 'loyal' (and the respective adverbs).

Pat, is there by any chance a bar/macron above the S in FLEISI...?  This
would be one of the ways people at that time would write a double letter,
including SS (with in in-caps mode stands for <ss> and <ß>).

So, so far I read it as follows (with supposed missing letters in square



Does this get you any closer?  Do you know anything about the History of the
house with that German plaque?

Good luck!


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