LL-L "Measures" 2003.08.31 (09) [E/LS]

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Sun Aug 31 23:12:20 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 31.AUG.2003 (09) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: Friedrich-Wilhelm Neumann <Fieteding at gmx.net>
Subject: Measures and Weights

Dach, Reinhard, Lowlanners,

(English below)

vonnoobend snack’ ick mit miin Noober’n över aule, meist vergeeten’ Mooten,
Mengen un Gewichten.

Mii dücht, de wöör’n mennigmool düchdig „speziell“, will heeiten, mann opp’n
lütt Rabeeid  giltich un bruuklich.

De Noober wöör freuher Knecht opp’n Buuernhoff,  is 80 Joor ’n aul un’
deeilwiis mit düsse Mooten oppwussen, hett jemm as’n Oort „Norm“ hat.

Lauhnt sick datt, dissen Kroom mool tohaup tau dreegen un’ opptauschriiven,
or is dat woll von minner Bedüüden föör uns LS-Sprooken?


This evening I had a talk with my neighbour concerning old and forgotten
measures and weights.

They often seem to be very special and regional, only used in small areas.

My neighbour, in his younger times farmhand,  is about 80 years old. He grew
up with those measures and formerly had to work in their normes.

Do You consider it to make any sense collecting and documentize this stuff ,
or is it of  less priority for all our Saxonian languages?



(Friedrich W. Neumann)
Not Lucifer I fear
but those almighty Gods


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Measures

[English below]

Fiete, hyr drövst allens besnakken, wat tou 't afweten över Leyglandsche
spraken un kulturen wat bydregen dayt, egaal of vun verledene, hüydige or
toukamene tyd.  Wat dat nu in 't enkelte is, dat laat ik dey lidmaten sülven
krygen; dat dikteyr ik nich, so lang as dat in d'n raam vun us telen is.

Dey korte anter is darüm "Ja, klaar".

Ik weet nich, wat dat mit “LS-spraken” bedüyden schal, wyl dat ik man bloots
vun *eyn* Neddersassische/Nedderdüytsche spraak weten dou un wy hyr nich
bloots (Nedder-)Sassische man ook (Nedder-)Vranksche, Vreyssche un
Angelsassische spraakwarianten besnakken dout (un ook "neye", "mengeleyrde"
spraakwarianten, dey vun jüm afstamt).


Fiete, in this forum you are allowed to discuss anything that contributes to
the knowledge of Lowlands languages and cultures, no matter if past, present
or future. It is up to the membership to decide what these topics are; it is
not for me to dictate, just as long as it remains within our scope.

So the brief answer is "Yes, of course."

I am not sure I know what you mean by "Saxonian* languages," though, because
I am aware of only one (Lowlands) Saxon (Low German) language, and in this
forum we discuss not only (Low[lands]) Saxon language varieties but also
(Low[lands]) Franconian, Frisian and Anglo-Saxon language varieties (as well
as "new," "mixed" language varieties that descended from them).


P.S.: By the way, the adjective is "Saxon," not *"Saxonian."

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