LL-L "Lexical usage" 2003.02.07 (11) [E/S]

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From: John M. Tait <jmtait at wirhoose.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Lexical usage" 2003.02.06 (12) [E]

Sandy wrate:
>Like I says, I'm keepin my neb oot o't - I dinna enter
>competitions an that's flet (an what a guid thing that's
>turnt oot, in this case!). Sae I'm juist daein what I'm
>telt, an it's aa been taen doun, like I wis telt! Nae
>raison we couldna pit your stuff up itherwhaur, tho.

Weel, like ye ken I teuk the same view aboot the kempin - maistly cause I
thocht at wi Bob an Colin baith pittin in bitties at I jaloused wad be alang
the richt lines, the war nae pynt me daein anither ane. Houaniver, I did pit
up thon lang flyte aboot (a) expository Scots in general, an (b) the first
orra translate at thon same team did, cause I coudna keep my neb oot
aathegither. Forby that, John Law sent me the translates ti hae a scance
ower, like I sayed.

>What happened here wis, Matthew Fitt an his chiels coudna thole
>lossin the contest wi guid grace, an gaed on threepin at John
>Law that he wis mistakkin hissel bad &c &c greet girn peendge,
>as weel as fraisin thair ain translate fae here tae Hecklebirnie.
>Ane o thair chief compleents wis that we should be uizin
>spellins like "minister", no "meinister". John Law sent them a
>list o a hunder an odd things wis wrang wi thair translate an
>Matthew's reaction wis tae awa tae Embro an wirk on't wi the
>ither twae chiels. Of course I ken fine they wad never hiv duin
>sic a thing as refer tae Bob's translate in ony wey that wad be
>tae thair benefit, I dinna mean tae imply that at aa.

Coorse no! Speecially cause, as we ken, ane o the pynts o haein a closin
date wis sae naebodie coud hae the benefit o hindsicht o ither fowks ettles.

(Um - ye hinna nae Austens i yer faimly tree, hiv ye...?)
>Funny eneuch, leukin at their new translate we see spellins
>like "meinister"! An a lot o ither gey Scots that they wis
>meant tae be threepin against in the first place. Oh my goad,
>thay'v slaigert thair braw anglified translate wi a lot o
>Scots wirds!
>I shoud say, in case ye dinna aareddy ken'd, it's the "licht"
>translate that the pairliament haes waled. Oh aye - an the
>title o the document will be pitten back intae English - thay
>can uize English or Gaelic for the title but thay'r no alloued

Weel, the 'English or Gaelic' thing is policy, an naething at oniething can
be duin aboot the nou. Houaniver, I think at the'r some gey awkward things
shoud be spiered aboot the wey at ae team did the leet-lowpin an aathing -
myndin at the ettle here wis ti mak a translate at wad 'set the mood' for
expository Scots. I winna gang in til't onie mair on this leet, but I'll
mibbie send ye some o the things I'v juist been sayin ti John Law aboot it.

John M. Tait.



From: luc.hellinckx at pandora.be <luc.hellinckx at pandora.be>
Subject: Lexical usage

Beste liëglanners,

Remember the use of double negatives (very common in Flemish, Brabantish and
Afrikaans), a topic we discussed a while back ?
Well, when I read the last few posts I couldn't help but smile...the point
is that "to iterate" already means "to repeat"...OK, I know "to reiterate"
is fully accepted in English, but yet it is somehow strange from a logical
point of view *s*...the only meaning could thus be "to restart the whole
process of iteration over and over again.
However, when I came across the phrase "to reiterate again" in one of the
most recent messages, my mind went adrift *s*...
Kind greetings,

Luc Hellinckx


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com <mailto:sassisch at yahoo.com>>
Subject: Lexical usage

Hoi, Luc!

> However, when I came across the phrase "to reiterate again" in one of the
most recent
> messages, my mind went adrift *s*...

Well, yes, etymologically speaking it is certainly _doppelt oder dreifach
gemoppelt_.  However, in real life it is perfectly fine, I think.  It simply
means "to repeat again," because, as you noted yourself, repeat of the
meaning "again" ("re-" and "iter-") is no longer perceived by most users of
the language.  Besides, I understand that English did not make up
"reiterate" but got it from Latin _reiterare_ 'to state/say over again'.  It
is already in Latin that _iterare_ 'to restate', 'to repeat' (< _iterum_
'again') and _reiterare_ 'to restate/repeat over' coexist.  I wonder if in
Latin these don't actually convey different meanings, perhaps something like
'to repeat (whatever last statement)' vs 'to repeat (a series of statements)
in toto', and I wonder if this difference was or is not also intended to be
observed in English.   I don't see any problem with "again" in this
connection: "to repeat" and "to repeat again"; e.g., "Thanks for repeating
it for me, but may I ask to repeat it (once) again?"

I find the verb "to redouble" much stranger (e.g., "We must redouble our
efforts.") and therefore never use it, feel that "to double" suffices.  I
suppose "redouble" would make sense if doubling already took place; i.e.,
'to double again'.

But, say, this discussion seems like déjà vu all over again ...  ;)


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