LL-L "Rules" 2003.01.13 (06) [E]

Lowlands-L admin at lowlands-l.net
Tue Jan 14 00:07:03 UTC 2003

 L O W L A N D S - L * 13.JAN.2003 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: ntl <shoogly at ntlworld.com>
Subject:  LL-L "Resources" 2003.01.13 (04) [E/Portuguese]

I have no problem with anyone using Portuguese - but as I was recently
slated for using Scottish Gaelic ( with a translation into English ) - I can
not see how Portuguese is allowed - which few of us can understand ( even if
it is talking about Lowland issues ) - please do not think I want any
discrimination against Portuguese - but it seems even further removed from
the realms of the Lowland languages - I just want some clarification and

Chris Ferguson


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources


*Who* slated you for using Gaelic, and was it *on* the List?  It wasn't I,
was it?  If it was, I must conclude that, unless you misunderstood, either
senility has finally caught up with me or I was invaded by someone else's
spirit and did automatic writing.  If someone else did on the List and I did
not object to it, then I am guilty of negligence or at least a moment's
inattention for not having set the slater straight.  In that case, please
accept my apologies.

Chris, *any* language may be used on Lowlands-L.  Please read our rules.

"There is free choice of language in Lowlands-L postings, but the following
language varieties are preferred: Afrikaans, Dutch, Zeelandic (Zeêuws and
Western. Flemish), Limburgish, Frisian (any variety), Low Saxon, English and
Scots. You need not limit this to standard varieties; postings in any
dialect are welcome."

In other words, you are welcome to use Gaelic or any other language if you
so choose (being aware, however, that the more "exotic" the language the
fewer the reader).  Other Lowlanders will vouch that I myself have used
non-Lowlandic varieties, Germanic and non-Germanic, quite a few times, not
only German, Yiddish and Portuguese but I recently exchanged a few fun lines
in Cornish with Dan and a while back in Scottish Gaelic with Margaret.

My rough estimate is that there are more subscribers who understand
Portuguese than there are those who understand Gaelic.  (We have many
subscribers in Brazil and some in Portugal.)  However, that is besides the
point.  The point is that you can use any language and no one can slate you
for it.

Furthermore, I added English translations to the quoted Portuguese language
correspondence between Luciano de Souza and myself, and Reynaldo summarized
his Portuguese message in English today.  Translations of non-Lowlandic
texts are not mandatory but are certainly a polite extra.

I hope this is sufficient clarification.  I look forward to your postings,
no matter which languages you use.


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