LL-L "Morphology" 2003.03.11 (01) [E]

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Tue Mar 11 17:23:41 UTC 2003

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From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Morphology

Hi Ron and everyone else

Just looked up 'lingua franca' in my Concise Oxford
Dictionary and it gives the plural as 'lingua francas'
which would also be the form I would probably use,
without having thought about the grammar - even though
it probably irks many!



From: Dan Prohaska <daniel at ryan-prohaska.com>
Subject: LL-L "Morphology"

   The genitive of "Jesus" is very often used in German. Das "Leiden Jesu".

In Austria (as a catholic country) "Maria" is also used in the genitive,
"Mariä Himmelfahrt", "Mariä Empfängnis" etc. with German <ä> for Latin <ae>
as it is pronounced as a monphthong in German "Schulaussprache" /
"school-pronunciation. There are also place names such as "St Andrä
Wördern", but I do not know whether this has to do with a borrowed Latin
case inflection.

In German I use "Lexikon-Lexika", but "Stadion-Stadien"



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Morphology

Gary (above),

> Just looked up 'lingua franca' in my Concise Oxford
> Dictionary and it gives the plural as 'lingua francas'
> which would also be the form I would probably use,
> without having thought about the grammar - even though
> it probably irks many!

My kneejerk reaction was "Egh!"  At second thought, though, it makes perfect
sense: in the absence of Romance morphology awareness the two parts have
been reanalized as one word, and plural /+s/ has been added to the end of
the sequence.  I guess I can live with that more comfortably than with the
state of limbo I described.  Thanks, Gary, as always.

Dan (above):

> In Austria (as a catholic country) "Maria" is also used in the genitive,
> Himmelfahrt", "Mariä Empfängnis" etc. with German <ä> for Latin <ae> as it
> is pronounced as a monphthong in German "Schulaussprache" /
> "school-pronunciation.

I believe that this applies to most or all Roman-Catholic-dominated
German-speaking regions.

> There are also place names such as "St Andrä Wördern", but I do not know
> whether this has to do with a borrowed Latin case inflection.

I would assume that it is indeed such a case, namely genitive inflection,
followed by a (plural-form?) word denoting 'river island' (cf., Standard
German _Werder_, Lowlands Saxon [Low German] _Warder_; e.g., the place
Finkenwerder/Finkwarder ["finch river island"?], formerly a fishing town,
now a part of Hamburg).

But is this _Andrä_ derived from a woman's name (Andrea?).  (Sorry, my
knowledge of Roman Catholic saints is not exactly vast.)

Thanks to you too, Dan, also as always.


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