LL-L "Attire" 2003.05.17 (02) [E/LS]

Lowlands-L sassisch at yahoo.com
Sat May 17 19:53:39 UTC 2003

L O W L A N D S - L * 17.May.2003 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
http://www.lowlands-l.net * sassisch at yahoo.com
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: globalmoose at t-online.de (Global Moose Translations)
Subject: LL-L "Attire" 2003.05.16 (09) [E/LS/S]

Ron wrate:

> Nich vergeten (instant folk wisdom):
> (1) Hunnen, de klafft sünd nie nich bietsch.
>     ("Yabblin dugs nivver snack.")
> (2) Mang Lüd', de sik foppt, wardt nie nich verkloppt.
>     ("Amang fowk that like jokin there's nivver a yokin.")

More instant folk wisdom:

(1) "A blate cat maks a proud moose."
Something you just cannae allow, for:

(2) "A cock's aye crouse on his ain midden-head."
Please note that the German word for "cock" is "Hahn", hee hee.

Well, it's all too late now, since you have already recklessly tarnished
reputation forever. :-)

But then, in the words of the immortal Wilhelm Busch:
"Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert,
lebt sich's völlig ungeniert."
(Once your reputation is ruined anyway, you're free to live any way to

For now, however, maybe I had better stick to this one:

(3) "A close mouth catches nae flees."

Gabriele Kahn


From: Thomas <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Attire" 2003.05.16 (09) [E/LS/S]

> Ron had the very audacity to write:
>> Naw, she wis mair parteecular:
>>> And onything in breeks will dae wi' me.
> I'll get you for this, Reinhard Hahn, if it's the last thing I do!!!
> You're safe for the moment, though, because I'm weak and exhausted with
> laughter.
Och Ron, if that yin wa'ts a stramash jist wurk the heid oan 'er tae
'er passive. Aye an weer yer kilt at the same time.
Tom Mc Rae PSOC
Brisbane Australia
"The masonnis suld mak housis stark and rude,
To keep the pepill frome the stormes strang,
And he that fals, the craft it gois all wrang."
>From 15th century Scots Poem 'The Buke of the Chess'


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Attire

Gabriele wrate:

> (2) "A cock's aye crouse on his ain midden-head."
> Please note that the German word for "cock" is "Hahn", hee hee

Och, A'm sae struntit, winna aye get throu!  Dis "midden-head" stand fer
"Lowlands-L" then?

An Tom wrate:

> Och Ron, if that yin wa'ts a stramash jist wurk the heid oan 'er tae keep
> 'er passive. Aye an weer yer kilt at the same time.

Ay, an wi it A'll be weerin an "Elbsegler" an a "Pijack" (a kep an a
strippit sark that are wurn in Northern Germany an in the Netherlands).
That'll ramfeezle her fer a wee whilie.


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