LL-L "Help needed" 2004.08.18 (02) [E]

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Wed Aug 18 15:16:30 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 18.AUG.2004 (02) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: David Barrow <davidab at telefonica.net.pe>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2004.08.17 (15) [E]

>From: Andy (Scots-Online) <andy at scots-online.org>
>Subject: Help needed [E]
>Hello all,
>Does anybody know the IPA symbols for a palatalized alveolar [s] and [z]?
>Similar to [? ƒ] and [? ’].
>Andy Eagle
>From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
>Subject: Help needed
>Hi, Andy!
>Great to hear from you.
>I can't read your special symbols, no matter what encoding mode I use.
>As far as I know, the symbols you are looking for are #597 decimal or #0255
>hex for the alveopalatal equivalent of s, and #657 decimal or #0291 hex for
>the alveopalatal equivalent of z.
>See here: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/ipa-unicode.htm
>I take it you mean "alveopalatal."  I don't think there are symbols for
>alveolar equivalents.  To show pure alveolars, I would probably use a short
>underline underneath to indicate retraction or something like that.
>Hopefully others will be of more help.

Try the other symbols section of




to confirm the sound you're looking for

The ordinary English s /s/ and z /z/ are alveolar. If you mean
retroflex, they are also on the above charts

David Barrow


From: Andy (Scots-Online) <andy at scots-online.org>
Subject: LL-L "Help needed" 2004.08.17 (15) [E]

Ron Wrote:

>can't read your special symbols, no matter what encoding mode I use.
>As far as I know, the symbols you are looking for are #597 decimal or #0255
>hex for the alveopalatal equivalent of s, and #657 decimal or #0291 hex for
>the alveopalatal equivalent of z.

The missing symbols were:

what is the IPA for a palatalized alveolar /s/ similar to/ʃ/ #643 dec. #0283
hex. Sampa /S/

what is the IPA for a palatalized alveolar /z/ similar to  /ʒ/ #658 dec.
#0292 hex. Sampa /Z/

(Im sure I used unicode in the original post)


Andy Eagle

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