LL-L "Games" 2004.08.28 (01) [E/S]

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Sat Aug 28 16:55:05 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 28.AUG.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Tom <t.mcrae at UQ.NET.AU>
Subject: LL-L Games

Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org> wrote
> See a tait mair anent this bi masel in the airchives at:
Thanks for this reference Sandy most interesting and here was me thinking
part of it could have had something to do with the kids bowing to the
lamplighter. :-)
I first came across it in a pageant of sketches commemorating Edinburgh's
Moray House 300th anniversary. I was at school there at the time and acted
in one sketch. In another during the19th century one of the Cowan girls then
resident there was depicted reciting it to Sir Walter Scott who responded
"As Ah gaed up bi Mumbo Jumbo,
Mumbo Jumbo jineo,
'twas thair ah met the Hokey Pokey caerien awa Caprineo.
Noo gin Ah hud ma tit fur tat,
Mah tit ma tat ma tineo
Ah widnae gie it tae Hokey Pokey, fur caerien awa Caprineo."
Please nobody ask what it means :-)
Tom Mc Rae PSOC
Brisbane Australia
"The masonnis suld mak housis stark and rude,
To keep the pepill frome the stormes strang,
And he that fals, the craft it gois all wrang."
>>From 15th century Scots Poem 'The Buke of the Chess'

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