LL-L "Syntax" 2004.02.07 (01) [E]

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Sat Feb 7 19:26:30 UTC 2004

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From: Steven Hanson <hanayatori at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Syntax

Interestingly, Yiddish (a German derivative) has simplified this by applying
זיך zix_ (<x> = <ch>/<kh>) to all persons:

ix vaš zix.  (I wash myself.)
du wašt zix.  (Thou washest thyself.)
er/zi/es/men wašt zix.  (He/She/It/one washes him-/her-/it-/oneself.)
mir wašn zix.  (We wash ourself.)
ir wašt zix.  (You wash yourselves.)
zey wašn zix.  (They wash themselves.)


It's my understanding that the Yiddish generalization of the "zich" form to
all persons is the result of Slavic influence.  I also find it interesting
that the Danish (and Swedish and Norwegian as well) uses "sig" as it's 3rd
person reflexive pronoun, and also distinguishes reflexive and non-reflexive
possession in the 3rd person.  "Sin/sit/sine" would be used for "his/her/its
own" as opposed to "hans/hendes/dens/dets" for "his/her/its".

P.S.  This is my first post, but I've been "lurking" for a few months.
Interesting stuff..:-)


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Syntax

Welcome, Steven!  And thanks for the posting.

Intereresting stuff indeed.

> It's my understanding that the Yiddish generalization of the "zich" form
> to all persons is the result of Slavic influence.

Which makes a lot of sense on various levels.


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