LL-L "Names" 2004.05.14 (01) [E]

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Fri May 14 15:16:34 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 14.MAY.2004 (01) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.05.13 (10) [E]

Shirley wrote:
> I thought when I saw "Meier or Meyer" (my Gt Grandmother's maiden name)
> literally it meant "a mower".

In that case, I suspect you're pronouncing it wrong. It rhymes with "wire",
not "layer" (like "Mäher", i.e. "Mower" would).

Gabriele Kahn


From: GMeyer6103 at aol.com <GMeyer6103 at aol.com>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.05.13 (07) [E/German]

Thank you, for the information on the name, MEYER...Gary Meyer...Long Beach,


From: Ruth & Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2004.05.13 (08) [E]

Dear Reinhard,
    I do apologize about the 't'.

    Well, the Afrikaans inclination is to the the pronounciation the users
themselves prefer, so - which one?  Should I be patriotic & go for the
Danish, Slesvig-Holsten? Our school atlas had it as 'Schleswig Holstein', if
I remember, but to us kids the -wyk made more sense. It is certainly family
language (huistaal), & I reckon usage goes back to a previous generation.
However, if I had been paying attention while I wrote, I'd have used



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names

Gary wrote above:

> Thank you, for the information on the name, MEYER...Gary Meyer...Long
Beach, Ca. USA

Hi, Gary! Welcome amidst the vocal Lowlanders!  Now that you have taken a
step from out of the backdrop, I hope to hear from you more often.

And Mark wrote above:

>    I do apologize about the 't'.

No need.  My "gripe" is in good humor.  Besides, you are not the only one
who wants to write "Reinhardt," which is one of the legitimate spellings,
besides "Reinhard" and "Reinhart."  (Its original forms are "Raginhard" or
"Reginhard," meaning "strong/skilled councel," by the way.  The old French
and Flemish forms "Renard(e)" and "Reynaerde" are the names of the smart but
naughty fox, the Saxon equivalent being deminutive "Reynke" ~ "Reinke.")
Someone keeps spelling my name "Rheinhardt" even, pulling out all the stops!
One Swedish American friends explained that his spelling "Reinhardt" feels
more "satisfying" to him ...  My response?  "Whatever floats your boat ..."

> Should I be patriotic & go for the
> Danish, Slesvig-Holsten?

Uh-oh!  Careful where you put your foot!  Not that I care, mind you.  I
would have happily been born a Danish citizen, or whatever citizen for that
matter.  (In my way of thinking, the only thing borders are good for is
crossing them.)  However, this back and forth of the Danish-German border
can be a sensitive subject, given the presence of so many ethnicities and
languages in a small strip of land.  If the area were now under Danish
administration, the downside would be that the Frisian and Lowlands Saxon
(Low German) varieties of the area would by now be extinct, because Denmark
has a way of "loosing" indigenous minority languages (namely North Frisian
and LS), German (imported and imposed on the originally LS-speaking "German"
minority) being the only survivor (because of a Danish-German agreement
guaranteeing Danish and German minority rights).


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