LL-L "Names" 2004.10.05 (08) [E]

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Tue Oct 5 21:37:17 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 05.OCT.2004 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names


I need your help with some of the names of the "Wendland," the formerly
Slavonic (Polabian) area south of Hamburg, Germany.  I do not know if anyone
has defined the area, and I suspect that originally it was much larger than
the "Hannoversch Wendland" we know of, not only extending farther east but
also north and south.

Below is a list of German place names of the area (most of them within Lower
Saxony, a few just across the border in Saxony-Anhalt).  I believe that at
least some of them are of Polabian origin.  Those that are definitely not
are enclosed in sqare brackets ([ ]).  Since most German place names in the
north of Germany are derived from Lowlands Saxon (Low German) names it would
be nice to have as many of the LS versions as possible.  I have put
hypothetical LS versions after the German ones, marked with an asterix (*).
I am sure about a few and have not marked them.

Can you help me by confirming or correcting the names?

The list is below.

Thank you very much in advance.


P.S.: Note that Lowlands Saxon originally did not have the phoneme /c/ ("tz"
as in German _Katze_), only had the phoneme sequence /ts/ divided by a
morpheme border, much like English (e.g., /kat+s/ "cats").  It is very rare
now.  In other words, what in Lowlands Saxon is written <tz>, <z> or <ts> in
German-based spelling tends to be German- or Slavonic-derived.


German = Lowlands Saxon (Low German)

Bardowick = *Bardowick
Cheine = *Chein
Clenze = *Clenz
[Dannenberg = *Dannenbarg]
[Bergen = *Bargen]
Göhrde = *Göhr
[Hitzacker = *Hittacker]
Lübbow = *Lübbow
Lüchow = *Lüchow
[Lüneburg = Lüünborg]
Mechau = *Mecha
Müden = *Müden
Neetze = *Neetz
Neu Darchau = *Nee Darcha
Ochtmissen = *Ochtmissen
Oerzen = *Oerzen
Prezelle = *Prezell
Rosche = *Rosch
Schmarsau = *Smarsa
Schmessau = *Smessa
Sprötze = Spröötz
Süthen = *Süthen
Trebel = *Trebel
Uelzen = *Uelzen
Wietze = *Wietz
Wietzendorf = *Wietzendörp
Wilsede = *Wilsede
Wirsen = *Wirsen
Wriedel = *Wriedel
Wustrow = *Wustrow

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