LL-L "Phonology" 2004.09.10 (06) [E]

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Fri Sep 10 19:31:41 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 10.SEP.2004 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at worldonline.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2004.09.10 (03) [A/E]

How about Dubbaya Bush's "terrr", "terrrist" and "terrrizm" that we have to
listen to every day?

>  The forms "mir" and "err" for "mirror"
> > and "error" spring to mind but are there more examples? "Sqrl" for
> > "squirrel" suggests the alternative explanation that the tendency is to
> lose
> > vowels.
> Many accents are used in American film and television broadcasts--some
> rather ludicrously satirized, or poorly imitated.  I grew up in the
> northwest of the USA and I seem to remember that the local preference was
> insert a schwa for the last vowel thus:
> err_r  (sorry, I can't get the schwa symbol)
> mirr_r  etc.  Yes, I have heard folk say "mir" for mirror, or even
> JIm Krause

I think it's likely that the Afrikaans forms with "aa" are derived from
Standard (written) Dutch,
whereas the ê-words come from spoken, sub-standard/dialectal (South-Holland)
So there isn't really a mutation from paarl, haard  > pêrl, herd but the ê/e
simply became the
official Afrikaans written form from the normal pronunciation, except in
fixed sayings or expressions.

> Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2004.09.08 (08) [E]
> Help my hier: I'm now thinking of the 'a' - 'e' mutations in Afrikaans.
> English borrowed the word 'aardvark', though most Afrikaners these days
> 'erdvark'. So also has the 'hart' as in 'Hartenbosch' (English 'hart' or
> deer) & 'hartebeest' (an antelope) mutated to 'hert' (the entrenched forms
> in these names, however, do not change). 'Paarl' to 'Pêrel' (peR at l),
> as in 'huis en haard' (home & hearth) to 'herd'. It is the comparatively
> long 'a' (a:) that has mutated to a short 'e' (e). The short 'a' as in
> 'hart' (English 'heart') has not mutated.
> Ek kan nou nie aan skuiwing in die teenoorgestelde rigting in Afrikaans
> nie.
> I can not now think of shifts in the opposite direction in Afrikaans.

> Also North German pronunciations of High German in words such as 'durch'
> /dURC/ where the changing of 'r' to /6/ would cause the following /C/ to
> pronounced /x/ but to maintain the /C/ pronunciation the 'r' is pronounced
> /I/ which allows for a /C/ pronunciation, so /dUIC/. (Not entirely what
> we're talking about here but interesting nevertheless).

Very interesting, this [dUIC] pronunciation .
In modern Standard Dutch, especially that of the Randstad (i.e. the densely
Western provinces of Holland and Utrecht, with Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The
Hague etc)
more and more people tend to pronounce -r as something like [-j]:
door > [do:j], werk > [vEjk], kaars > [ka:js], moeder > ["mud at j] etc.
It's even really trendy to pronounce -r like that, on TV, radio, in movies
etc. one doesn't
hear anything else anymore, especially among youngsters...
Northern German [dUIC] reminds me of it very much

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