LL-L "Traditions" 2004.09.19 (05) [E]

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Sun Sep 19 17:00:14 UTC 2004

L O W L A N D S - L * 19.SEP.2004 (05) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Fred van Brederode <f.vanbrederode at home.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2004.09.16 (05) [E]

Jenny Kool wrote:

>After school you would invited a couple of your friends/school mates to
>celebrate your birthday at home, playing games and eating cakes (blow out
>the candles in one go) pancakes and/or French Fries. When we grew older, we
>would also go to a swimming pool (with real waves!) or a bowling centre.
>Eating was always involved.
>Met vriendelijke groeten,
>drs Jenny Huijben-Kool

This sounds familiar Jenny. The birthday tradition you describe seems to be
the same all over the country. Even in the fifties en sixties when I had
birthday parties things went that way. With increasing prosperity the
tradition grew in quantity as well as in quality. Our children (BTW strange
enough there is a habit for Dutch parents to call their children 'de kids'
nowadays) had their parties in the eighties and nineties. My wife just loved
to organize these parties, to the extend that she needed my practical
support. I needed to take a day off to help out.
I am not complaining because she did it so well that it was really worth
while. My wife made parties around a theme. There was always a story
involved around which everything that happened fell into place. We did
witches, pirates, even a 'fancy ladies' party and we made a complete village
of carton boxes. Just to mention the most exiting ones.
I was in charge of keeping order, telling the stories and of the frying pan
for making the obligatory chips.
Fortunately my wife soon got back into a career. This certainly had effect
on the quality of the parties being organized. This was bad, because
everyone in school wanted to be friends with our children. They are great
kids to start with, no doubt, but the mere chance of being invited to the
their next party certainly added to their popularity.
Running out of time as career hunters, my wife and I, gradually invested
less in our children's popularity.
Nevertheless, organizing children's parties is still a big deal for many
parents. I guess even more so. Having the best party adds not only to your
children's status, but also to yours. The sky is the limit. Taking the
children to a bowling center and afterwards to a MacDonalds for a happy meal
is the least you can do. More exiting trips can be bought from
professionals. There is even a small industry for it. If you want your
children to keep up with the rest and you either lack the time or the
ability to organize a good party yourself, you gladly turn to the
Too bad my wife chose for another career. She would have had her own party
empire by now.

Fred van Brederode

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