LL-L "Language politics" 2004.09.20 (09) [E/Esperanto]

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Fri Sep 24 00:10:21 UTC 2004

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From: Tom <jmaguire at pie.xtec.es>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2004.09.23 (05) [D/E/Esperanto]

From: Liesbethvlaomse at aol.com <Liesbethvlaomse at aol.com>

>Subject: language politics
>World English" / Wouldn't it be simpler if people would realize that
>English in fact is a very confuzing language and instead of creating
>variety of this language they would do the in fact small effort of learning
>Esperanto. A very precise universal idiom.
I thought we had had this discussion.


Tom (Maguire)

Carpe Diem.
-Visit Nlp in Education  http://www.xtec.es/~jmaguire
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From: Henry Pijffers <henry.pijffers at saxnot.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language politics" 2004.09.23 (05) [D/E/Esperanto]

Liesbeth <Liesbethvlaomse at aol.com> wrote:
> World English" / Wouldn't it be simpler if people would realize that
> English in fact is a very confuzing language and instead of creating
> variety of this language they would do the in fact small effort of
> Esperanto. A very precise universal idiom.


> "Mondialo Anglan" : cxu gxi ne estas multe facila se la homoj si doni
> kalkulon pri la fakto ke la Anglan estas ligvo tre konfuzita kaj anstataux
> de krei novan varion de ci-tiu ligvon ili farus
> la malgrande klopodo de lerni Esperanton : precise universa lingvon.
When reading your message, I can understand the English part completely.
I can't make much of the Esperanto part however. Hence, for me it's
unmeasurably more of an effort to learn Esperanto than to try and
understand someone's English (which I do a lot, trying to translate
Asian English manuals...)

And that's apart from me simply disliking Esperanto for various other



From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: language politics

Read in an other list (picard language related): the message below.

As to the Bologna decree, teaching of regional languages would no longer be
part of university programs. This apparently applies (for romance regional
languages) in Brussels (French language university) but not in Liège.

Is anyone in the list aware of a focus against teaching of regional
languages in the Bologna decree?


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