LL-L "Etymology" 2005.04.24 (07) [E/LS]

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L O W L A N D S - L * 24.APR.2005 (07) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West)Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeêuws)

From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: Etymology

Dag, Lowlanners, Ragnhart,

(English below)

na- Jii hannen mi jo 'n feinen Themen! Snackt Ji doch över 'schieten" un'
'scheeten', oon Innen!

Uns Vöröllern wüssen all, worüm se dat sülvig Woord nohmen hannen- een Doun,
wat dat uut dennen Achtersten or vöörn bi dat Scheetgeweer ruut keem! Is
jümmer Schiet.

De lütten 'Schietbüdels' van vandoog weet dat meist noch beeter: keen ne
recht mitsnacken kann, is 'n 'Schietoors', un keen mit Kluten no jem smieten
deit, kann ook woll "Klöötenschieter" heeten. Keen tau kloug is, heet
'Klougschieter', un dennen schöölt se woll wat 'schieten'.
'n 'Schietkeerl' is door denn meist ook jümmer mang.

Junge- wat 'n schiet Themen!

Man- un dissen 'grouden Schiet' schall ick ook noch översetten?

Ick schiet Jau wat!


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

PS: Al disse Wöör kanns't un' dörffst opp "Platt" bruuken; schall Dii woll
meist nümms föör Övel neem'n. Man- verseuk dat all me Leev ne opp
Hougdyytsch- kann's' 'n Bült Arger kriig'n!
Is dat ook föör anner "Neddersaksische" güllich, villicht ook föör Scots?


Dear Lowlanders, Ronny,

he- within my short abscence You made some conversation on a very "stinking"
theme! Talking about 'shit' and 'shoot'.

Our ancients already knew why to use the same word for two slightly
different things- it really doesn't matter where the 'shit' is coming from:
either from any back of the human anatomy or from the mouth of a gun! It's
just real shit, still in our days!

Those little 'nappy-children" of today are supposed to know even better:
those being unable to get around in these facts are
'people-not-able-to-understand', 'silly', 'stupid', at any respect 'bad
characters'. And- those ones throwing bowls [of mud] after the little ones
are called 'dirt-flingers'.

People being too clever are supposed to 'shit' intelligence, and specially
that sort of human beings they like to cut dead, to avoid ("to snit",

Have a look around Yourself- You'll always find anyone You despise, but You
don't hate.

Oh, man, what a f... theme!

And just me, poorest of all people as far as modern, readable English is
concerned, shall try to translate all this "bullshit"?

I fear I have to disguise You!


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm

PS: All these above words and idioms you are allowed to use in our
LS-dialect-  no real-native will become angry at all. But- You should never
try the same in "High" German! Things then will not run the expected way,
no, not at all!
Is it the same in other LS-regions, perhaps in Scots, too?


From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L Etymology" 2005.04.23 (01) [E]

Hi all,

Ben, the 'what the mother' is also used in Afrikaans as "Wat de moer!?"
where 'moer'
denotes mother/uterus/origin.

And Ron/Heather re. KWIK, the 'kwikstertjie' is our Bachstelze/wagtail. and
'verkwik' means to refresh in Afrikaans.

Elsie Zinsser

[Ben Bloomgren <ben.bloomgren at asu.edu>
I have a very peculiar way of saying "What the hell/f/..." I say, "What the
mother?" Is that just my extreme strangeness, or does anybody say anything
like that?]

[Old Saxon:kwik: alive, lively, life (adj.)]


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Haai, Elsie!

> And Ron/Heather re. KWIK, the 'kwikstertjie' is our
> Bachstelze/wagtail. and 'verkwik' means to refresh in Afrikaans.

In some Low Saxon, too, you say _kwiksteyrt_ (<Quicksteert>) for 'wagtail'
(_Motacillidae_, by default usually _Motacilla alba_ 'white wagtail' in
Northern Europe).

In other dialects there are _wipsteyrt_ (<Wippsteert>) and _wüpsteyrt_
(<Wüppsteert>) in reference to the wagging or twitching tail of the bird.
You can also use these to refer to restless children or to anyone who can't
be still.

And yet another name (in the northwest, I believe) is _akker-mantje_
(<Ackermanntje> "(little) husbandman") and the specific variants _blau
akker-mantje_ (<Blauackermanntje> "blue (little) husbandman" _Motacilla
cinerea_?) and _geel akker-mantje_ (<Geelackermanntje> "yellow (little)
husbandman"_Motacilla flava_).

Nursery rhyme:

   Ackermanntje, wipp up Steert!
   Well hett di dat Wippen lehrt?

   Akker-mantje, wip up steyrt!
   Wel het dy dat wippen leyrd?

   Willie Wagtail, wag your tail!
   Who has taught you how to wag?

Marlou Lessing has a whole Low Saxon web page about the bird:


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