LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.12.28 (03) [E]

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Thu Dec 29 20:12:28 UTC 2005

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L O W L A N D S - L * 29 December 2005 * Volume 03

From: "jonny" <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2005.12.28 (04) [E]

Dear Roger,

you wrote:

> wethuis: gemeentehuis (Fr.: mairie)
In our region the later 'gemeentehuis' formerly had been the houses for
the poor
people, for the widows and orphans- LS:'Aarm'hüüs', G: 'Armenhaus'. They
unnecessary when in the 19. century the social structures had been
improved by the
government of the now *Prussified* Germany.


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm


From: "Henry Pijffers" <henry at saxnot.com>
Subject: LL-L "Resources" 2005.12.28 (04) [E]

Roger wrote:
> From: "Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc." <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L Resources
> I found this book today:
> Cyriel Moeyaert, Woordenboek van het Frans-Vlaams (Dictionnaire du flamand
> de France), 2005, Davidsfonds-Literair, 340 pp., ISBN 90-6306-527-2. I paid
> 29.95 euro in the "Standaard Boekhandel" in Mortsel.


> The lemma are too long to quote, just some randomly selected words with
> (one) translation into Dutch:
> aaimeloos: kortademig
Interesting, is the presence of the i instead of d related to other
words in Flemish/Dutch where sometimes d is replaced by i (raden/raaien,
rode/rooie, dode/dooie, etc.)?

> afvinden: ontdekken
The same word exists in Dutch, but then it means "tevreden zijn met" (to
be content with)

> beien: wachten
Dutch has beiden (archaic), meaning either treuzelen or wachten. The
only difference is that in Flemish the d is replaced by i.

> stuite: boterham
In the Twente dialect of Lowlands Saxon we have stute/stoete, meaning
bread (the stuff in general), or stuten/stoeten, meaning a bread (one).
I bet that Dutch had stuit or stuite too in the past.

> toegaan: vooruitgaan
In Dutch that means either gebeuren (to happen) or (archaic) dichtgaan
(to close).

> uitreunen: vellen (bomen uitreunen)
Does that have any relation with rooien (also meaning to fell)?



From: "Henry Pijffers" <henry at saxnot.com>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.12.25 (03) [German]

Heiko schreev:
> Heute brauche ich nun ein paar Wörter für die Physik, Grundbegriffe, ohne
> die es wirklich nicht geht:
> * elektrische Spannung (1 Volt)
Elektrische spanning

> * elektrische Ladung (1 Coulomb)
Elektrische lading

> * elektrische Stromstärke (1A)
Elektrische stroomstörkte

> * elektrische Leistung ( 1Watt )
Elektrisch vermogen

> * elektrische Kapazität ( 1 Farad )
Elektrische capaciteit (or however you want to write that)

> * das Gewicht/die Masse (1 kg)

This is how we use all these terms in our Saxon dialect. It's quite
possible that all of these are loaned directly from Dutch, but they no
longer feel as such.



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Hi, Henry!

> Interesting, is the presence of the i instead of d related to other
> words in Flemish/Dutch where sometimes d is replaced by i (raden/raaien,
> rode/rooie, dode/dooie, etc.)?

The phoneme /d/ is very "fragile" in the "Low German" language group:

/d/ -> [j] -> [ ]

The second step can be seen in words like farwestern Low Saxon /lüde/
'people' > _lüje_ -> _lüe_ -> _lü_ (<luje> -> <lue> -> <lu>), also in
Dutch _lui_.  In North Saxon of Germany you get the entire range: _lüde_
-> _lüüd'_ ~ _lüje_ -> _lüe_ -> _lü_.  Of course, this is also
present in Afrikaans.

> > afvinden: ontdekken
>  >
> The same word exists in Dutch, but then it means "tevreden zijn met" (to
> be content with)

In Low Saxon _sik mit ... af-vinden_ and German _sich mit ... abfinden_
'to put up with ...', 'to live with ...'.

> stuite: boterham
>  >
> In the Twente dialect of Lowlands Saxon we have stute/stoete, meaning
> bread (the stuff in general), or stuten/stoeten, meaning a bread (one).
> I bet that Dutch had stuit or stuite too in the past.

In North Saxon of Germany _stute_ ~ _stuut_ means 'wheat bread', 'white
bread', 'holiday bread', and there are derivations such as _stutendag_
'feast day', 'holiday'.  _Brood_ denotes 'bread' in general.

> toegaan: vooruitgaan
>  >
> In Dutch that means either gebeuren (to happen) or (archaic) dichtgaan
> (to close).

In North Saxon of Germany _tou-gaan_ (<togahn>) tends to mean 'to go on',
'to go ahead'; e.g., _Ga man tou!_ 'Go on ahead!', thus very similar to
Flemish dialects of France.  However, _tou-gaan_ can also mean 'to go on',
as mentioned by you in Dutch, Henry; e.g., _Wat gayt hyr tou?_ 'What's
going on here?'


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