LL-L "Resources" 2005.02.02 (06) [E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Wed Feb 2 22:41:39 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 02.FEB.2005 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: R. F. Hahn sassisch at yahoo.com
Subject: Resources


Those of you who haven't already made the same discovery may appreciate
knowing of a newer, really nifty Java-script-based map and routing service:

It comes with numerous country bases:

Austria      www.at.map24.com  Deutsch

Belgium      www.be.map24.com  Nederlands | Français

Brasilien    www.br.map24.com  Português

Canada       www.ca.map24.com  English | Français

Denmark      www.dk.map24.com  Dansk

Finland      www.fi.map24.com  Suomi | Svenska

France       www.fr.map24.com  Français

Germany      www.de.map24.com  Deutsch | English

Ireland      www.ie.map24.com  English

Italy        www.it.map24.com  Italiano

Luxembourg   www.lu.map24.com  Français | Deutsch

Netherlands  www.nl.map24.com  Nederlands

Norway       www.no.map24.com  Norsk

Spain        www.es.map24.com  Español

Sweden       www.se.map24.com  Svenska

Switzerland  www.ch.map24.com  Deutsch | Italiano | Français

USA          www.us.map24.com  English

UK           www.uk.map24.com  English

>From any of these, you can access others by clicking on "International," and
you can enter any address and choose loads of countries on the left,
allowing also route planning.

You can calculate distances on the maps (with the calculation tool) or on
the left.  On the maps you can do all sorts of things, such as draw
rectagles to enlarge details, use the hand tool to move the map around.

Though this is of marginal relevance, it seems like a handy tool for quickly
checking out areas anywhere in the world, a swift way of doing geographical
research, Lowlands and beyond.

If you get a failure message when you open any of the sites, most likely it
is because your systems are not Java-enabled (which is likely on older
computers).  I believe that upgrading to it is fairly simple.  Here is some
help: http://www.javatester.org/enabled.html


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