LL-L "Etymology" 2005.07.17 (06) [D/E]

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L O W L A N D S - L * 17.JUL.2005 (06) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong <Dutchmatters at comcast.net>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.07.17 (03) [E/LS]

Re: Lammermaand
Klaus-Werner ran into the word Lammermoand.
Ja natuurlijk, maar het gekke is dat in Nederland in iedergeval de lammeren
pas in Maart en begin April geboren worden. Dat is een van de redenen waarom
wij nooit lam aten met pasen. Jacqueline

Heather, I totally agree with your delight with the aptness of many of the
Tok Pisin words. In my dotage, I find myself sometimes coming up with
similar sayings if I cannot find a word immediately.
Ron, thanks for the delightful list of Tok Pisin words.
I love the word "susu" for milk, you can hear it whizz into the bucket
Also: I find the word "wanbel" for agreement really interesting.
There is this saying in Dutch "Twee handen op een buik" which means about
the same. The hands being of different people of course.
Tot schrijfs. Jacqueline


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Jacqueline (above)

> Ron, thanks for the delightful list of Tok Pisin words.

You're most welcome.

> I love the word "susu" for milk, you can hear it whizz into the bucket

This is an interesting one, going back to an Indonesia loan (given contacts 
with Indonesia-administered Iryan Jaya on the same main island).

memberi susu 'milk' ("susu emission")
puting susu 'nipple' ("susu teat")
susu kambing 'goat's udder' ("susu goat")
susu lembu 'cow's udder' ("susu cow")

So, the origin of _sus_ is 'udder' (and its human equivalent).

Tok Pisin:
susu 'woman's breast', 'udder', 'milk'
pikinini i dring susu yet 'baby not yet weaned'
banis bilong susu 'bra'
susu bilong kokonas 'coconut milk'
strongpela susu 'condensed milk', 'cream'
sua i gat susu 'infected sore (with pus)'
susuim 'to suck'
susuim pinga 'to suck one's finger/thumb'

See what I mean by "inventive"?


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