LL-L "Songs" 2005.06.29 (08) [A/E]

Lowlands-L lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
Wed Jun 29 20:48:24 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 29.JUN.2005 (08) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Dave Singleton <davidsin at pt.lu>
Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2005.06.29 (01) [A/E]

Hello notely minded

The best system for passing melodies around as text is ABC to be found on 
Chris Walshaw's site.

example -------

T:Paddy O'Rafferty
dff cee|def gfe|dff cee|dfe dBA|dff cee|def gfe|faf gfe|1 dfe dBA:|2 dfe 
~A3 B3|gfe fdB|AFA B2c|dfe dcB|~A3 ~B3|efe efg|faf gfe|1 dfe dcB:|2 dfe 
fAA eAA|def gfe|fAA eAA|dfe dBA|fAA eAA|def gfe|faf gfe|dfe dBA:|

After processing a typical result might look like this (using abc2mtex):

One can find a small/medium/large player of ABC inthe software section, and 
an immense collection of music.
I use ABC Navigator from
http://abcnavigator.free.fr/  ----- Groink software (800k)

  From: Ben J. Bloomgren <godsquad at cox.net>
  Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2005.06.28 (08) [D/E]

  "email music"

  Ron and all,

  Is music notation a part of Unicode?


  From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
  Subject: LL-L "Songs" 2005.06.28 (13) [A/E]

  Ron wrote:

    ... You do get credit for honesty, though. Nietemin ... it looks like


    need to whip you into shape a bit, or at least rearrange your drawers 
    (well, en ik bedoel natuurlik nie jy broekiekouse nie).

  Leave her alone already! Rearrange her drawers for her, whether she wants
  itor not - that sounds just like a visit from my mother!! Sheesh...

  And about "whipping people into shape" - today the Lowlands list, and
  tomorrow the world, right? Mwwwahahahahaaa... but you're too late, Ingmar 
  already taking it over; Middelsprake is only the beginning!

  Never fear, Jacqueline, and welcome among the subversive elements on this
  list! :-)
  Gabriele Kahn


  From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
  Subject: Songs

  Ben (above):

    Is music notation a part of Unicode?

  No, Ben.  Really it's to music notation what the SAMPA system is to 
phonetic notation: a alternative system that utilizes the ASCII range of 

  I am not really familiar with that system, don't even know its name, but I 
do see it used frequently in electronic communication.  Also, I know that 
our Sandy knows and uses it.

  It's one of the things I have yet to learn.

  Gabriele (above):

    Never fear, Jacqueline, and welcome among the subversive elements on 
    list! :-)

  Ag, Jacqueline, moenie naar haar luister nie!  Dis die ouë 
"divide-and-conquer"-taktiek. Sy is eensaam en wanhopig daar bo in haar 


Ron, have a care, these nuts may one day shake (m)loose and rattle your cage 

PS The German use of "Man" translates better, I think, as "One" (third 
person self/third party referal) so it would look like "One should(n't) do 
etc etc"

Lots of fun with ABC

Dave Singleton


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: "Songs" [E/A]

> From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Songs
> Ben (above):
> > Is music notation a part of Unicode?
> No, Ben.  Really it's to music notation what the SAMPA system is to 
> phonetic
> notation: a alternative system that utilizes the ASCII range of 
> characters.
> I am not really familiar with that system, don't even know its name, but I
> do see it used frequently in electronic communication.  Also, I know that
> our Sandy knows and uses it.

It's really very easy. See pages such as the tutorial at 

I've used this once or twice to post tunes to the list which I transcribed 
from the sheet music but no saw sign of anyone using it to listen to the 
tunes on the list so I let it fall out of use.

The reader doesn't have to know the notation - he can just paste the ASCII 
into a music program that knows the format and the software will play it.

Alternatively, musicians who know the notation can read it straight off the 
screen and play it on their instrument.

> Ag, Jacqueline, moenie naar haar luister nie!  Dis die ouë
> "divide-and-conquer"-taktiek. Sy is eensaam en wanhopig daar bo in haar
> grondboontjiegallery.

As sy uit haar grondboontjiegallery uitklim sal sy miskien nie so eensaam 
wees nie  :)



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs

Dave (above):

> Ron, have a care, these nuts may one day shake (m)loose and rattle your 
> cage !


Oh, by the way, your attached graphic won't get through.  Sorry.

Sandy!!!  Nou is die kat is uit die sak.  Nou verstaan ek waarom ons die 
laaste tyd selde van jou hoor. Jy leer Afrikaans!  Cool! (Koel?)   Dis 'n 
lekker verrassing en 'n goeie wys om met 'n Engels en/or Skots agtergrond 
met kontinentale Laelandse tale te begin.  Nou voel ek my nie meer so 
eensaam nie.

> As sy uit haar grondboontjiegallery uitklim sal sy miskien nie so eensaam 
> wees nie  :)

En die sekerheid van haar _Narrenfreiheit_ ("gekkevryheid") verloor?


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