LL-L "Names" 2005.05.08 (02) [E/French]

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Sun May 8 19:26:51 UTC 2005

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc. <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2005.05.07 (04) [E]

> From: embryomystic at cogeco.ca <embryomystic at cogeco.ca>
> Subject: Van Koughnett
> Can anyone give me any information on the surname Van Koughnett? It's the
> surname of a very good friend of mine, and I (almost compulsively) explore
> the etymologies of the names of everyone close to me. I asked him whether
> knew what it meant, but he said that he does not.
> I've met a few of his relatives, and one person we went to school with,
> was unrelated to him, with the surname Van Coughnett.
> Isaac M. Davis

K/Coug(h)nett rather sounds related to romance languages.
With the "van" preceeding one would think at first of a place name, but
there is no municipality called "Cougnette" or something similar.

1. Herbillon, Dictionnaire des noms de famille en Belgique romane, 1996,
has (without "van" preceeding):

Cougnet, Coeugniet, Cognné, Cognet, Cognez:
wallon: cougnès: coin (pour fendre ou caler) (Dictionnaire liégeois, Haust)
éventuellement avec sens fig. (érotique?)
Forme fém: 13e s. "Yde li Cognete" (Lens-sur-Dendre)

coin in this sense is "wedge" in English.
In Dutch: een "wig, spie"
In my Limburgish "en kal" (fem.)
Herbillon thinks it may be erotic in old name giving.

2. Place names in Belgium and Northern France

2.a France

Closest is:
58 Nièvre, comm. de Saint-Jean-aux-Amognes
(in: Dictionnaire national des communes de France, 2001, Albin Michel)

2.b. Belgium

Closest is:

former municipality, now part of Charleroi in Belgium
"Culliacum ad Sabium" in 840
was part of the bishopric of Liège till 1796 (quartier "entre Sambre et
the church of the parish depended from the abbey of Lobbes
last lordship family of the municipality (heerlijkheid) before 1796: Thibaut
1796-1814 part of the dépt. Jemappes (France)
1815-1830 part of the province Henegouwen -Hainaut (Netherlands)
1830-now: part of the province Hainaut (walloon part of Belgium)

PS. Lens-sur-Dendre is also in Hainaut,
Lendium in 900
Carnoy gives the germanic "Linde" for etymology.
"Dendre" is the river Dender, joining the "Schelde" river in Derndermonde

Found nothing better.
Hope this helps,



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names

Hi, Isaac, Roger, Lowlanders!

I wonder if the above-mentioned names are related to the not uncommon
English name Coin, supposedly a remnant from the Norman era.


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