LL-L "Names" 2005.10.06 (05) [E/N]

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Thu Oct 6 20:55:05 UTC 2005

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06 October 2005 * Volume 05

From: heather rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Names" 2005.10.05 (04) [E]

>'hope' <

Usually means 'Valley' of the type with no thoroughfare i.e.  a U shaped

Elizabeth Barratt Browning the poetess lived near here at Hope End - which
was not as forlorn as it sounds - it just meant - at the end of the valley



From: Glenn Simpson <westwylam at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L Names [E/N]

Dear all

On 'Hope' - I consulted the bible of Northumbrian
place names by Godfrey Watson and he describes 'hope'
as a "small enclosed or blind valley branching out
from the main dale", and a Northumbrian Hope is a
"strip of better land in valley that is narrower than
a 'Dene', less precipitous than a 'Cleugh' (Ravine)
and more sheltered and less likely to flood than a
'Haugh' (flat ground by a stream)".

However while looking through this book on place names
I found an interesting bit of verbage, which I wasn't
aware. There is a place called 'The pingle' in
Northumberland which is apparently old English for a
small enclosure.

Apparently the phrase "to pingle" in Northumberland
means to work away at something without much success.
This leads on to a local expresssion: when someone is
anxious not to pay for someone else they would say:
"gan pingle in yur ain poke neuk", in english: "fish
around in the corner of your own pocket"

Any similar expressions or linguistic links in

Keep ahaad

ps Ron is thi postin alreet marra? Soz aboot thi orlier stuff!


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Names

Hoo bin ye the day, Glenn, marra?

> ps Ron is thi postin alreet marra?

 Aye, it's fine leik this. Ah can see yee cleaned up yer act for fairs.

Soz aboot thi orlier stuff!

Aal reet, kiff then ... if yee'll be a canny lad frem noo on.  ;-)

> "gan pingle in yur ain poke neuk"

>From a Low Saxon angle, this sounds suspiciously like "Go and tinkle* in 
your own corner!"  :-)  (* in every sense of the word, in Geordie _ring_, 
_tinkle_ and _pittle_).  There *is* a Low Saxon verb _pingeln_ (vs _pinkeln_ 
'to pee'), and it means 'to tinkle/ring', obviously onomatopoetic in origin.

Wat cheor!

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