LL-L "Etymology" 2005.10.25 (02) [E/LS]

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Tue Oct 25 17:00:30 UTC 2005

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

25 October 2005 * Volume 02

From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.10.23 (06) [E/LS]

Leyve Reinhard,
(English summary below)

wees bedankt för dyn Moyh!

> Language: quickly/fast # go

> Low Saxon:  gau # ga- (<gau> # <gah->)
> Old Saxon:  gāh # gā-, gang- (gâh # gâ-, gang-)
> Old Saxon: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)...
> ...Middle German: gǣhe* (gæ^he) # gê(h)- (* also 'rush', 'hurry',
> 'precipice')
> Dutch:  gauw # ga-
> Afrikaans: gou # ga(n)
> Old Low Franconian: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)

> W. Frisian: ? # gea-
> Old Frisian: gā (gâ) # gā- (gâ-)
> Old Low Franconian: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)

Gystern hebb 'ck noch een nyge Verschoon hoyrt: in dennen südlichen Deyl van 
't Land Hadeln heyt dat _gäu_/_goy_. Haar 'ck myn Leevdag ne hoyrt.
In dat Rebeyd, 'Sietland' benoomt, un' üm tou, leevt deylwies de Nokomen van 
Hollandsche/Freessche Sedlers; de eyrsten synd all in 't 13. Johrhunnert dor 
hen trokken.
Gedygen, woneem dey dat woll mitbrocht hebbt, wenn sey dat denn doun hebbt.


Dear Ron,

thanks for your efforts!

> Language: quickly/fast # go

> Low Saxon:  gau # ga- (<gau> # <gah->)
> Old Saxon:  gāh # gā-, gang- (gâh # gâ-, gang-)
> Old Saxon: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)...
> ...Middle German: gǣhe* (gæ^he) # gê(h)- (* also 'rush', 'hurry',
> 'precipice')
> Dutch:  gauw # ga-
> Afrikaans: gou # ga(n)
> Old Low Franconian: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)

> W. Frisian: ? # gea-
> Old Frisian: gā (gâ) # gā- (gâ-)
> Old Low Franconian: gālīk(o) # gā-, gang- (gâlîk(o) # gâ-, gang-)

Yesterday I heard another version I'd never heard before: in southern Land 
Hadeln they use it as _gäu_/_goy.
In and around that district, called 'Sietland' ('Low Land') partly are 
living the descendents of Dutch/Frisian settlers. The first of them already 
came in the early 13. century.
I wonder where they picked up this version, if they really are the creators 
of it.


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm 

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