LL-L "Resources" 2005.10.26 (01) [E]

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Thu Oct 27 16:36:55 UTC 2005

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27 October 2005 * Volume 01

From: burgdal32admin <burgdal32 at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L Frans-Vlaanderen

Dear Lowlanders,

I don't know if Frédéric Baert of French-Flanders is still among as , but it 
has been quiet a while since we have heard some news of him.
The French-Flemish language is almost at the point of being extinct, but 
there are some efforts by people of the region to save the language. It is 
important because since the wars of France against Flanders, this part is 
still speaking a language of the 17th-18th century.
I have found a website where you can hear some extracts of the Flemish radio 
"Uylenspiegel". There are also folksongs  and proverbs to hear in 
French-Flemish. Everything is translated in French also. Being the most 
southern lowlandlanguage in the "mother-region" i think this website is 
worth listening.

Look at Multimedia / radioshows. (Most of the site is still under 

Luc Vanbrabant


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Resources

Hi, Luc!

Unfortunately, Frédéric is no longer on the List.

Thanks for drawing our attention to the new resource.  It looks like an 
excellent site in the making.  I am copying the Akademie voor Nuuze 
Vlaamsche Tale | Institut de la Langue Régionale Flamande on this to let 
them know we have taken note of the site.

(I suggest they add references to France in their introduction and certainly 
with their address on the contact page, since not everyone in the world 
knows that we are dealing with Flemish in France here.)

I listened to some of the sound files.  Nice!  The radio clips are 
predominantly in French.  They contain great information about the state of 
Flemish in France and various relevant activities.

Let's support efforts to keep the old language and culture alive in French 
Flanders!  Hopefully, other interested people from the region will join us.

Again, thanks for pointing out the resource, Luc!

Reinhard "Ron" F. Hahn
Founder & Administrator, Lowlands-L
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net

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