LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.08 (10) [A/E]

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Thu Sep 8 23:15:38 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 08.SEP.2005 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.08 (07) [E]

Mike Wintzer wrote:
"Unless a language is in its range the primary language in all areas of 
public and private life, media, education, administration (notwithstanding 
the parallel use of a lingua franca) it will, in the long run, not survive 
as a living language."

This is exactly it. Languages thrive only in circumstances of banal 
normality. In the case of endangered languages, most are placed in abnormal 
situations where their role is not at all "normal" (i.e., as Mike says, not 
the primary language in all areas of public and private life). Irish cannot 
be expected to revive while it is shoved to the margins of the public sphere 
or used as a sort of secular liturgical language. That is why Irish-medium 
education has been so refreshingly effective, because it puts Irish back 
into a normal situation. Those of us who care about Irish need to work as 
hard as we can to encourage its use in all fields, particularly given the 
large number of people who know Irish well but who simply do not use it.

Go raibh maith agat,



From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.08 (01) [A/E]

Liewe Elsie:

Onderwerp: Language Survival.

Ja, tog, ek sê mos sjjjjjjjjjjt!

> Goed Mark, ek sal stilbly maar jou taalgebruik gee jou weg!  :-)

Críostóir, what you tell me about the latest developments of Irish is a
great consolation. The time-servers & their lip-service will before long be
replaced by a generation that came to Irish in contempt of their neglect, &
richly deserved obscurity. Rud gan leigheas is foighne is fearr air.

Groete alom,

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