LL-L "Folklore" 2006.02.04 (02) [E]

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 04 February 2006 * Volume 02

From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L Folklore

Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org> Wrote
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.31 (02) [E]

So a lone magpie should be greeted with, "Good morning, Mr Magpie, how's 
your wife?" implying that the magpie isn't such a loner after all.

Here at a certain time of year magpies in breeding mode attack passers by 
and can cause bad head injuries. They hit with quite a whack and nobody 
greets them with any nice words. As Brisbane is a total nature reserve they 
cannot even be shot. Ours do redeem themselves with their musical calls.
On another tack is the lovely old Scots custom of placing a coin into a new 
baby's hand the first time you see it still practised Sandy and others ?
Idea seems to be that if the Bairn has money at life's beginning it will 
always have it. Young mums would go home with prams of coins in Edinburgh.
I still do this as routine here and a Ukrainian friend told me it was also a 
custom in Ukraine. Is it done in other areas ?

Other customs involving money included the traditional "Poor Oot" when 
people leaving their homes by car to attend a wedding, from groom to guests,
were assailed by kids running alongside the vehicle yelling "Poor Oot ! Poor 
Oot !" Handfulls of coins were thrown out of the car and kids fought for 
them in the gutter. Then there was 'The Christening Piece" (In Scotland a 
'Piece' is a sandwich, usually jam) this piece was a parcel containing 
various delectables and a sum of money and it was given to the first person 
the family met when en-route to church for the baptism. Mine, I am told, 
went to an elderly Irish Biddy.


Tom Mc Rae

Brisbane Australia

Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us

Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us

Robert Burns


From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.02.03 (08) [E]

>From Paul Finlow-Bates:

I knew a farmer in the English Lake District who would panic if he saw a 
lone magpie.  He'd drive around hoping to see another one, using the logic 
that the "two for joy" don't necessarily have to be together, as long as 
they are seen a reasonably short time apart.  He had no precise definition 
of "reasonably short"!

Paul F-B 

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