LL-L "Orthography" 2006.01.13 (07) [E]

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Fri Jan 13 22:40:00 UTC 2006

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13 January 2006 * Volume 07

From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2006.01.13 (04) [E]

Ron wrote:
> > What is going to be next - get rid of all those pesky little extra notes
> > and trills that Mozart inserted all over the place?
> And what does *this*, pray, have to do with the price of tea in China?
Well, that would be a spelling reform, too, wouldn't it? Or can't you read
music? It's the very same thing. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

>I am the product of my (male-dominated) upbringing, my experiences...
Hence the fear, which I obviously do not experience, and most certainly not
in love. But then, unlike you, I make no claim that my parents raised me
because they were afraid not to... au contraire, they had to overcome a lot
of fear in order to do so! ;-)

> (Psst ... Gabriele and I really love each other, also love smacking each
> other upside the head.)
So you're really Krazy Kat, and I am Ignatz Moose, right?

>Your mother defines your culture, isn't?
Not really, although my mother is trying very hard to this day!

Gabriele Kahn


From: Rikus Kiers <kiersbv at tiscali.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2006.01.13 (04) [E]

Ron, ReinharD reacted;

>Glamor", no less?
Glamor is to plain, it is much more

(Psst.....Gabrielle and I really love each othere, also love smacking
eachother upside the head.)
Was sich liebt, das neckt sich.
Ron , you revealed something for me about your cultural position and
feelings. I appreciate that.
Gabrielle I admire your clear and somewhat militant formulations.

I was not talking about intimitation, but thinking about how to give light
if you are a candle in the sunny brightness of daylight, in which you two
put us.

Rikus Kiers


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Orthography


> Well, that would be a spelling reform, too, wouldn't it? Or can't you read
> music? It's the very same thing.

Sounds like an analogy of phonetic spelling perhaps.  And, yes, I *can* read 

An analogy of what I am talking about would be to spell out the exact notes 
of a baroque trill, for instance, instead of the symbol "tr".  There may be 
variations a trill is executed, the symbol "tr" standing for all of them. 
When you use this abstract symbol it is like representing a phoneme, a basic 
unit that may be generated in differing ways.  It does not dictate detail 
and is thus less prescriptive.  Phonemic spelling is less prescriptive and 
more far-reaching than (pseudo-)phonetic spelling, and because it is more 
abstract and far-reaching it plays a unifying role, though not by itself a 
homogenizing one.

> au contraire, they had to overcome a lot
> of fear in order to do so! ;-)

I bet they did, and I freely admit that it applied in my case as well. 
("Birds of a feather," I have to further admit, albeit with utter dismay.)

Hoi again, Rikus!

> Ron , you revealed something for me about your cultural position and
> feelings. I appreciate that.
> Gabrielle I admire your clear and somewhat militant formulations.

As clear as mud.  ;-)  I know that mine aren't militant (despite false 
rumors about "propaganda").  But aren't they at least as clear as 

Well, well, dear Rikus, I can tell that you are a brave and kind person with 
good intentions.  The day (Friday the 13th) has come that I channel a 
Hawaiian name for you as well.

{spontaneous trance ... possession ... waking ...}

Here you go:

(< *Waipufia-runga-Toronafe)

kolonahe: gentle, pleasant breeze
luna: above
wai puhia: ("upside-down waterfall") rising, wind-blown spray from a 


P.S.: Hope you ain't allergic to peanuts. 

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