LL-L "Phonology" 2006.01.14 (04) [E]

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Sun Jan 15 00:58:36 UTC 2006

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   L O W L A N D S - L * 14 January 2006 * Volume 04

From: Heather Rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2006.01.14 (02) [E]

Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>An hop about lik' vlees!<

fleas - I think - rather than flies!

And hop around like fleas  !!!!  How poetic!



From: Heather Rendall <HeatherRendall at compuserve.com>
Subject: LL-L "Phonology" 2006.01.14 (02) [E]

Message text written by INTERNET:lowlands-l at LOWLANDS-L.NET
>Vexing, though, is the case of "to an' fro", where I would have expected
*"to an' vro".  Why is this one exempt?  Is it because of /fr/ (in spite of

/fl/ > /vl)?<

I rather think it is one man's attempt ( this was published in 1903) at
writing what he hears but not necessarily consistently.
Barnes was THE dorset dialect man but he approached it via his own standard
English and this may have led to inconsistencies.



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Phonology

Thanks, Heather.

> >An hop about lik' vlees!<
> fleas - I think - rather than flies!

Of course!  Did I say "flies"?  :-)

> I rather think it is one man's attempt ( this was published in 1903) at
> writing what he hears but not necessarily consistently.
> Barnes was THE dorset dialect man but he approached it via his own 
> standard
> English and this may have led to inconsistencies.

You may be right.  I checked his stuff some more, and there seem to be 

(Easter ZUNDAY)

FROCK (!) cwoat, the VU'ST time-VIER new;
That glitter'd in the ZUN lik' glass;
Wi' yellow stripes all down AVORE;
An' drow'd his kitty-boots AZIDE,
His shoes wi' strings two VINGERS wide,
All down the VIELDS, an' drough the leane,
As if the ZUMMER wer begun;

(VULL a Man)

VROM little hand, a-called VROM play,
I woonce, a child, wer FATHER-FED (!),
Is now a FAITHVUL (!) wife's own hook;
An' I've agone where VO'K did ZEND,
An' gone upon my own FREE mind,
My life, right on DROUGH men an' wives,

(Linden Lea)

'Ithin the woodlands, FLOW'RY (!) gleaded,
Now do quiver under VOOT ;
An' painted birds do hush their ZINGEN
An' brown-leav'd FRUIT'S (!) a-turnen red,
In cloudless ZUNSHEEN, over head,
Wi' FRUIT (!) VOR me, the apple tree
Let other vo'k meake money VASTER
THOUGH (!) noo man do heed my FROWNS (!),
I be FREE (!) to goo abrode,

(The Girt Woak Tree)

I there've a-climb'd, an' there've A-ZWUNG,
Where I did VISH with line an' hook,
An' beat, in playsome dips and ZWIMS,
The FOAMY (!) stream, wi' white-skinn'd lim's.
Her knitten-needles, as she ZOT
Woak's head, wi' FATHER (!) at her ZIDE (!).
Wi' thik poor maid I FONDLY (!) lov'd,-
The maid too FEAIR (!) to die so SOON (!),-
To show the smiles upon her FEACE,
But oh! if men should come an' VELL
O' ZOME girt ship to plough the tide,
Then, life or death ! I'd goo to SEA (!),
A-SAILEN (!) wi' the girt woak tree
An' die A-FIGHTEN (!) VOE the land,-
The land so dear,-the land so FREE (!),-

(The Wife a-Lost)

Since I noo mwore do ZEE your FEACE (!),
DROUGH trees a-drippen wet;
Since now BEZIDE my dinner-bwoard
I’ll eat the bit I can AVWORD,
A-VIELD upon the ground;

(The Young that Died in Beauty)
An’ NOTHEN (!) better wer the cease,
How comely still, in sheape an’ FEACE (!),
Would many reach THIK (!) happy pleace, —
The HOPEVUL SOULS (!) that in their prime
Ha’ SEEM’D (!) a—took AVORE their time, —
A—tweilen DROUGH a lifetime’s langth,
The deep’nen wrinkle’s hollow VWOLD;
Vor less ov THOUGHT (!), than when do VALL
On young VO’KS in their beauty.
But pinen SOULS (!), wi’ heads a-hung
In heavy SORROW (!) VOR the young,
Have all A-VOUND the time to murn
VOR youth that died in beauty.
VROM THOUGHTVUL (!) SOULS (!), wi’ downcast eyes,
Such merry looks at FEAST (!) an’ FEAIR (!),
An’ FEAIRER (!) still to God above,
Than when they died in beauty.

(The Geate A-VALLEN to)

The geate A-VALLEN to.

DROUGH daysheen ov how many years
The geate ha’ now A-SWUNG (!)
Behind the VEET o’ VULL-GROWN men
And VOOTSTEPS of the young.
DROUGH years o’ days it SWUNG (!) to us
And kept her bleazen VIER bright
An' how she quicken'd up and SMILED (!)
An' oft do come A SADDENED (!) hour


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