LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.19 (01) [E]

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Thu Jan 19 15:31:37 UTC 2006

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19 January 2006 * Volume 01

From: Ben J. Bloomgren <Ben.Bloomgren at asu.edu>
Subject: LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.18 (05) [E]


President Bush is not really mangling the language, he's just harkening back 
to an archaic usage.

Can you tell us the archaic usages that he's using? Do you mean the whole 
disaster over nuclear versus nucular?


From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.18 (03) [E]

From: Karl Schulte
Subject: LL-L "Orthography" 2006.01.18 (01) [E]

.... Well, in
any case, we could attempt what the Norwegians have been doing for
generations, in returning the daily language to that of a former time,
stripping Danish, Dano-Norsk, Riksmal and drawing nearer to Old Norse,
which has never died in Iceland.
I think that would be a wonderful development and erase spelling issues;
words would be pronounced as they are spelled. It would make us more
easily able to learn our brother languages in the Germanic family as
well as open older forms of English to general use (I like older grammar
reinstatement too.).

Karl Schulte

I'm all for learning the old forms of English, but to hope for the wider 
language community to conciously move ba! ckwards, well, "hell" and "freezes 
over" are two terms that spring to mind.....



From: Tom Carty <cartyweb at hotmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.18 (03) [E]

I know there is an award for the first person to phoneticise English and
make it widely used, but apart from that, I know nothing of the effort in

My Teanga Nua ( http://www.TeangaNua.Pro.Ie ) project for Irish works on
those lines for Irish, but the reaction on the forums I discussed it on was
quite ferocios, especially www.Daltai.com so whatever you do, steer clear of
the academics when trying to propose your ideas!

It is an interesting concept: however it does take from the Global aspect of
English, and make us more English than the English themselves, or is that
just a little Irish anglophobic bias kicking in?

Tom Carty (Tomas O' Carthaigh) 

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