LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.25 (04) [E]

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Tue Sep 26 00:29:05 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 25 September 2006 * Volume 04

From: 'Mark Dreyer' [mrdreyer at lantic.net]
Subject: LL-L 'Member news' 2006.09.18 (04) [E]

Dear Ron, Elsie, and list,

Thank you for your interest! Mark is now back in the general ward after the
operation, which the doctors told him went very well. We are hoping to have
him home on Thursday.

Crime in SA is at the point that one runs out of adjectives to describe it.
The police stopped issuing crime statistics a few years back because it was
too embarrassing. The govt. now issues quarterly reports with no specifics
on the order of "hijackings have decreased by .5 of a percent". We heave a
sigh of relief at the news. (Not.)

Speaking of embarrassing, I sent this off on the 17th, and only now noticed
that I sent it to..._myself_. How on earth that happened, I don't know. Here
it is, the long way round:

Dear Lowlands members, (who are becoming rather dear to me),

More excellent news. I'm not sure Mark knows how to recover at a reasonable
pace. From what I can tell, they took him off the drips on Friday, at which
point he immediately decided to hop out of bed and explore the ICU! I found
him wandering around without so much as a stick or a shoulder to lean on.

They booted him out this morning and he is the general ward. Hallelujah.
With the drugs off, he is also completely conversational, unlike before when
he couldn't remember what we had been talking about five minutes before.



From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Member news

Hello again, dear Ruth, and thanks loads for the update!

Those are all great news! I was very happy to get them. By the sound of it, it'll
soon be time for our Mark to be booted out of the hospital for good.  

Your description reminds me of my only ever (so far) overnight stay in a hospital
when they had me on whatever those mind-altering drugs.  Apparently I had
numerous conversations with numerous people (which probably surprises no one) and
even etymologized pretty much everyone's name (not surprisingly either).  Once I
was off the stuff I had no recollection of any of that having happened.

> Speaking of embarrassing, I sent this off on the 17th, and only now noticed
> that I sent it to..._myself_. How on earth that happened, I don't know. 

Hey, hey! Give yourself a break! Mark isn't the only one who's been through an
ordeal lately, and he was in lala-land while you were running around worried.
Time to be nice to Ruth!

Take care, Ruth, and hugs to you and Mark!


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