LL-L "History" 2007.04.02 (02) [E]

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Mon Apr 2 22:00:33 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  02 April 2007 - Volume 02


From: "Bryan E. Schulz" <bryans at lodging1.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.01 (06) [E]

 Sorry, that should have been Saint Cyrill.

Bryan E. Schulz


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.01 (06) [E]

> From: Marcel Bas <roepstem at hotmail.com>
> Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.01 (02) [E]
>         Theo Homan:
>         Hello,
>         Archetypes always have links.
>         And so have figures.
> Hi Theo,
> Yes, I must say that I am at a loss here. Maybe my way of thinking is
> too rigid for this, but when I read Hermann Wirth's ideas on
> Occidental civilisation and about his three-headed god in Europe which
> he also claims to have found in Papua New Guinea, and after I read
> about British medieval monks thinking that Brutus founded Britain and
> gave it hsi name (hence; Britain) after the Trojan war, and after
> someone wrote that the word 'Scots' derives from their founders, the
> 'Scythians', I have grown very skeptical about anything connected to
> Scythians, tripartite world views & Indo-European explanations, Troy
> and the like.

Yes, you do have to beware of the mysticism of small numbers. If both
Europe and Papua New Guinea had a 537-headed god I'd be wondering what
the connection was, but a three-headed god, well, people do prefer to
talk about things their hearers can visualise, and anything much above
three can be difficult. To visualise Cerberus accurately I have to
arrange his heads in a three-by-three square, which doesn't look very
natural! And when it comes to making effigies, you don't want to have to
draw or carve too many heads all the time, do you?

I've often come across polemics about the "duality of nature" and then
again other effusions about how so many things come in threes. I think
these numbers crop up more frequently because they're small, and
moreover because we can visualise them and so tend to notice them more,
not because any of this means anything, or that connections can be made
based on small cardinals.

Similarly, the abundance of roughly "gothic" arches: there aren't that
many viable shapes to choose from when it comes to arches, so I'm not
surprised when the same theme crops up in different places.

Sandy Fleming


From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.02 (01) [E]
 At 01:57 PM 04/02/07 -0700, you wrote:

Please note what I mentioned in my introduction to the Kannada
language (lowlands-l.net/anniversary/kannada-info.php
) at our anniversary site -- and bear in mind that Kannada is not an
Indo-European language but a Dravidian language now used in Southern India
(though it appears to have been shifted there from the north):

The way we see it up here is that the Davidian spoken in places like Waco
descended from the Kanadian up here in the north.

Sorry, just being silly.

Ed Alexander



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