LL-L "Fund drive" 2007.04.10 (03) [E]

Lowlands-L List lowlands.list at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 17:57:36 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  10 April 2007 - Volume 03


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Fund drive


Below please find a copy of an appeal sent to all relevant list owners by
Anthony Aristar of LINGUIST, the organization that has been hosting us and a
good number of other lists in terms of list server and archives.  As most of
you will agree, this is a very valuable service.  For this reason, I
strongly encourage everyone to consider donating at least a little bit to
allow our gracious hosts to raise the remaining needed funds and thus to
continue their services.

Thank you.

(just back in Seattle from California)


Dear Listowners:

As you know, the LINGUIST List provides you with Listserv facilities without
any charge.  We do this because we feel that it is important that there be
no barriers to the free interchange of information  between those interested
in language and linguistics, and we know that many of you have no access to
good listserv software, or to any  place to archive their postings.  We're
genuinely happy to help with this.

However, as you also probably know, running the LINGUIST site, with its
servers and expensive software -- four Unix servers, five Oracle databases,
Coldfusion server, Listserv, map server and Java and PHP servers -- is not
cheap.  The only way we can provide these services free is to do what we do
now, and have an annual fund drive.

We're very close to the end of this drive.  We need only around $16,000 more
to make our goal of $55,000.  So we're writing this message to ask if you
would be generous enough to send a call to your members, asking them to
contribute to our drive, so that the services we have been providing, for
free, we can continue to provide... for free.

You know that we send you messages like this very rarely.  We don't want to
bother you.  And we'd like to emphasize that there is no obligation on your
part to do as we are asking.  This is entirely voluntary on your part.

But if you would be willing to help us, and ask your list-members to
contribute, we'd be very grateful.  Our donation page is:


Thank you very much!

Anthony Aristar
Moderator, LINGUIST

Anthony Aristar, Director, Institute for Language Information & Technology
                  Professor of Linguistics
Moderator, LINGUIST               Principal Investigator, EMELD Project
Linguistics Program
Dept. of English                  aristar at linguistlist.org
Eastern Michigan University            2000 Huron River Dr, Suite 104
Ypsilanti, MI 48197

URL: http://linguistlist.org/aristar/



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