LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.11 (06) [E]

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Thu Apr 12 00:30:43 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  11 April 2007 - Volume 06


From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.11 (02) [E]

At 07:20 AM 04/11/07 -0700, you wrote:

I was surprised to hear that more than twice as many British people live in
Australia than in Canada and that also the USA have more British residents
than Canada.

   - Australia 1.3 million, equivalent to 2 per cent of UK population
   - Spain 760,000
   - USA 680,000

This is the equivalent of 0.20% of the US population.

   - Canada 600,000

This is the equivalent of 2% of the Canadian population, perhaps the highest
percentage of all the recipient countries.

Now, if we take into consideration historical proportions, this would be an
extraordinarily higher number.  For example, Canada sent some 600,000 troops
(7.5% of the total population!!) to France in WWI, of whom the vast majority
still had British citizenship.  In other words, you're far more likely to
meet a Brit in Canada than most of those other places.

Ed Alexander



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