LL-L "History" 2007.04.27 (04) [E]

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Fri Apr 27 15:47:32 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  27 April 2007 - Volume 04


From: Jonny Meibohm <altkehdinger at freenet.de>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.26 (05) [E]

Beste Marcus,

Du schreyvst:

> Still in the end of the 1980ies when I was a little boy my mother
> brought me to a woman, who had to bespeak (is this the right word? In
> German "besprechen") my warts (they vanished after it).

The LS-word is 'raden'/'roden', wordly translated into G: 'raten', meaning
both 'to advise' or 'to guess'. I'd also like to know the correct English
word for these 'magic' matters.

BTW: I think your warts would have vanished without that *'Spoykenkroom'*,
too ;-)!


Jonny Meibohm


From: "ds" <dstokely at infionline.net>
Subject: Lowlands

The string posted in "History", slightly diverging from the subject, compels
me to tell of an incident from my childhood (I'm now in my dotage).   I was
about 10 or 11 years old and had a cluster of warts along one hand.  I
counted 13 warts, there for a long time.  A friend of mine lived in a home
with domestic help, and the cook told us that I should steal one of my
grandma's dishcloths and bury it under the rain gutter drain.  When it
rotted my warts would go.  I did, and months later the warts were still
there, vigorous and healthy.  Obviously not working.

Months later our family had a gathering, and an aunt, one of my grandma's
sisters. called me over to talk.  She asked me about my hand; I forget just
what she said.  Afterwards my mother and grandma asked what Aunt Helen said
to me and I couldn't think of anything unusual.  They told me that she had
"pow-wowed" me.  Within a few weeks my warts began to shrink and went away,
never to return.

They told me that the ability to pow-wow was passed to women only, never to
men, from mother to daughter.  All those old folks are gone now, no one to
tell me what it was all about.

Of course, I don't believe in things like that, but then . . .

David Stokely



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