LL-L "Literature" 2007.05.06 (04) [E]

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Mon May 7 20:51:50 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  07 May 2007 - Volume 04


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Literature


The trilogy our Arthur (lowlands-l.net/gallery/jones.php) started in our
gallery (lowlands-l.net/gallery/) is now completed.

The third part is set in the Lowlands, in Northern Friesland:

Below please find the words.



P.S.: The Gallery is open for submissions.


We walked where seawalls strain to fend the tides,
    Where man has learnt to rob farmland from Pluto;
Sunken, sullen acres, thatch on dust,
    That yearn to sink the shoe and greet the waves.

Where foam-fingered breakers pound on
                    mankind's rickety gates,
We saw a half-dead sea-beast roll and gulp,
    Wild-eyed it called for aid from creatures
                    since aeons not its own,

Its real cry --perceived by us-- was but
    To stop, or slow, the course of time expired:
To sate the urges to continue being,
    Despite the work of atoms in the mire.

We knew by all the bite wounds on its side,
    The half-exposed rib cage, still spilling gut,
That time no longer cared, and had no reason to delay:
    Blood, nerve and sinew ran to new assignments.

Yet empathy for things decayed caused us
    To linger where the accident had been:
The strange convergence. *Stoff, und Geist, und Kraft,*
*    *As if all matter had a shape, a goal,
A destiny as loud as crashing waves.



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