LL-L "Travels" 2007.05.20 (05) [E]

Lowlands-L List lowlands.list at gmail.com
Mon May 21 21:46:12 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  21 May 2007 - Volume 0


From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.05.20 (05) [E]

> From: R. F. Hahn < sassisch at yahoo.com>
> Subject: Travels
> Kevin, I do like "Lowlands Wayfarer"!  Thanks.
> Hmm ... For me it's a bit of a toss-up between it and "Lowlands
> Trekker" ...
> OK, I still like the trekker a teensy bit better, but I'd be OK with
> the wayfarer, as long as no one confuses it with "waylayer," or with
> "wayward" (though that would fit in certain cases).  We must consider
> folks with poor English out there.  I have a hunch that loads of them
> don't know what a wayfarer is.  It's a bit "old-fashioned" (though
> nice), isn't it?
> So what does everyone else think?
>       * The Lowlands Wayfarer
>       * The Lowlands Trekker
> How about alliteration?
>       * The Lowlands Local
> ;-)

To me a "trek" means a particularly onerous journey, at it's worst
perhaps through mud and overburdened with luggage (hence phrases like
"it's a bit of a trek" and "I'm not trekking all the way up there"), so
the phrase "The Lowlands Trekker" has all the resonance of a lead bell.

The Lowlands Sojourner? - a bit of a mouthful!

The Lowlands Wanderer?

Our Lowlands?

Sandy Fleming


From: "Ben J. Bloomgren" <godsquad at cox.net>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.05.20 (05) [E]

 Ron wrote:
>I really favor the title "Lowlands Trekker" for the feature.
>What does everyone else think about that?  Any better idea?
>"Lowlands Rover"?  "Lowlands Voyager"?  "Lowlands Paths"?
>"Lowlands Pathfinder"?  "Lowlands Scout"?  "Trek" is after all
>an old Lowlandic word, isn't it?
Ron, Elsie and all,

I was away from the computer for a week during the transition between dorm
and parents' place. I had so much email that I just selected all and purged.
What is this thread? What's goin' on?


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Travels


We have been talking about two new things:

   - the suggestion of organizing meetings (local or general)
   - a travel section as a possible new web presentation

Also, we have begun compiling a contact list of Lowlanders: country, city,
name, e-mail address, (telephone number), comments. E-mail addresses are
automatically masked in the archive, and telephone numbers will not be
published, just kept on file.  You can add yourself to the list by sending
the required information to sassisch at yahoo.com or
lowlands.list at gmail.comunder "LL-L Contact".

By the way, folks, like in the case of the anniversary presentation, we
should invite non-members to contribute to the travel section.

Do bad about the negative connotations of "trek" for you, Sandy!

Lowlands Explorer?

Lowlands Pathfinder?




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