LL-L "Travels" 2007.05.22 (04) [E]

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Tue May 22 18:23:01 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  22 May 2007 - Volume 04


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.05.22 (01) [E]

> Lowlands-L Travel Tips
> Any better suggestions?

 The Lowlands Rover?

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Travels

Thanks, Gabriele.

I like it, and the idea had crossed my mind at one point too. But then I
dismissed it thinking that people would perceive it too much in the sense of
"aimless wanderer," "hobo" or "bum."

Besides, it looks like it's been taken by some computer game or other.
That's the problem with catchy titles that are like trademarks.  Chances are
they're taken.

Elsie's word to the wise ought to be heeded:

   - Name it descriptively and accurately (i.e. not suggestive of what it
   doesn't do).
   - Make sure you don't infringe on anyone's copyright.

At least that's what I understood her as saying.

So what I have right now as a working title is this:

Lowlands Places to Experience and Remember

Anyone else?

Keep those grey cells churning, folks!  And prepare your blurbs about
anything you'd like people to know before they visit your current or former
stomping grounds or take a trip you've already taken. Preferably those are
things the usual travel guides omit or gloss over. Brevity is of the
essence, but do feel free to create more elaborate literary works if you
feel like it and up to it. Reminiscence is fine too, but if they go way
back, please make sure people are aware of that.  Humor is fine as long as
it doesn't amount to ridicule, put-downs, trashing or such, which doesn't
mean that observations and warnings about pitfalls must be omitted.

Thanks in advance!



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