LL-L "Morphology" 2007.11.17 (03) [E]

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Sat Nov 17 20:50:11 UTC 2007


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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L  -  15 November 2007 - Volume 03
Song Contest: lowlands-l.net/contest/ (- 31 Dec. 2007)

From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Morphology" 2007.11.16 (02) [E]

Hi all,

Thanks, Ron, for explaining the LS troetelnaampie-forms deriving from

Jikes, veteran does sound somewhat old, doesn't it? As it is, some of my
colleagues do call me 'Gogo' which means grandma in Zulu.

You may call me the Lyster, a kind of thrush, for whom I have immense
gratitude for providing calming calls after 4 am when fear chased the sleep
away. But it is the same little bugger who messes up my neatly raked bundles
of leaves, then pitches its head to a side to listen out for a bug's
frightened shuffle.

Of course this has nothing to do with morphology.


Elsie Zinsser

>In Low Saxon of Germany and in German, it's both the first and middle
Low Saxon: Liesbeth > Else*, Elsi, Elli, Elsje, Elke*, Lisa, Liese, Lies,
Else and Elke have become proper names in their own right.

Elsie, since you are one of the veterans and a well-known and well-respected
mainstay of Lowlands-L you ought to get one of those "The ..." names. But
that might end up being The Elster, and Elster is German for 'magpie'. Not
suitable! (Not only are they thievish, but they like to attack people when
they nest, as I have experienced many times). If we went to the original
Elizabeth, we might end up with The Lister. Hmm...

Interesting to watch Ingmar's and Jonny's attempts to make a derivation of
my legal name stick. Probably the only thing I used to like about the name
was that it was hard to come up with a derived form that sounded right. Some
people tried. Most didn't dare. These days I'm far more open to it than when
I was young and working on my dignity and image and was cultivating an
intimidating presence.  The first people I allowed to get away with it
(Reinchen, det Reinchen) was a very nice young couple from Berlin, travel
companions in Norway. The name "Rein" [rEIn] is pretty common in Estonia.




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