LL-L "Events" 2007.09.02 (01) [A/E/LS]

Lowlands-L List lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 2 18:29:40 UTC 2007


 L O W L A N D S - L * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226

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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
 L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
 S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)


L O W L A N D S - L  -  02 September 2007 - Volume 01
Song Contest: lowlands-l.net/contest/ (- 31 Dec. 2007)

From: Mark Dreyer <mrdreyer at lantic.net>
Subject: LL-L "Events" 2007.08.30 (02) [D]

Beste Arend:

Onderwerp: L-Lowlands Medelyding.

God die Barmhartige met u en u broer in die tyd van bproewing. Ek voel saam
met julle.

Onthou, net soos daar niks geskep is wat die Vyand se wreedaardigheid
bestand is, is daar niks vernietig of beskadig wat ons Heere nie sal herstel
nie. In Sy eie woorde, "Kyk, ek maak alles nuut."

Sterkte toe.

Die Uwe,
Mark en Ruth.


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Events


In my response to our Arend's news about his ailing brother Jan I suggested
that he have me post the exquisite poem to the gallery (
lowlands-l.net/gallery/). Arend wrote to me privately and agreed to this. I
will alert you when it is done.

I am very glad and grateful Arend chose to share his sad news with his
fellow-Lowlanders.  This is very much in the spirit of what I like to see
over and above sharing academic and practical information, because it
enhances the atmosphere of camaraderie and fellowship that makes our list
special and, in the long run, helps to make this world a better place.  I
hope that those of you that joined us recently, most recently from Vancouver
(Canada) and Edirne (Turkey), will remember this.

Among other things, Arend wrote (in Drenthe Low Saxon): "Kracht , komp mangs
uut kleine dinger. Een mail van vrunden mit een paar woorden wel een meinse
't pad wiest" -- meaning, in brief, that one draws strength from small
things also and from messages from friends that keep one on one's path.

Hyr hest us handen, leyve Arend. Vaat tou!




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