LL-L "Etymology" 2008.02.22 (05) [E]

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Fri Feb 22 21:16:16 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  - 22 February 2008 - Volume 05
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From: M.-L. Lessing <marless at gmx.de>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2008.02.22 (04) [E]

Is it so universally true that a connection with "Haag" is nothing to be
proud of? How come that in the Nibelungenlied there is a nobleman named
Hagen, and many places, towns, manor houses etc. are "-hagen" places?
Couldn't it also mean that a person was a land-owner?

From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>

I guess one is tempted to ask what this says about me and my ancestors.

No, dear Reinhard, even if you had got the name by blood-line and not by
adoption, that would give information only about 1/128, 1/256 or 1/512 orr
even less of your ancestry (the older the name is, the less), since it is
most probably the name of but one of your ancestors -- probably a man. We
would prefer to judge you by *all* your ancestry, all the nameless women
included -- or would *you* prefer to be judged only by what you *yourself*
are? That can be done, and we won't like you the less for it! :-))



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Thanks, dear Marlou!

We would prefer to judge you by *all* your ancestry, all the nameless women
included -- or would *you* prefer to be judged only by what you *yourself*
are? That can be done, and we won't like you the less for it! :-))

That's lovely. I'll go with whichever of the two makes me look better,

I don't think that Hagen ~ Haan ~ Hahn as a surname carried any negative
connotations, and I don't only say this because it's close to home. I
believe that originally it referred to a settler by or with a haw (enclosed
land). The negative stuff our Luc dredged up surely came later, or so I like
to think.




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